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sunwoo's adoption story
* italics are in the past


"happy birthday, angel!"

"what's that, mama?"

"yeonie duonno what bwirthday ish?"

"yay bwirthday!"

jacob and the six children sat round juyeon's shared bedroom floor, discussing as a group what they wanted to do for juyeon's special day. younghoon and jaehyun decided to have an elaborate impromptu play and birthday lesson to teach their little brother how birthdays work.

"n' u can wish for ANYYYYTHING you want fwor ur bwirthday!"


"wike, on mwy bwirthday, i wished fwor a whittle bwother, a-and n' i got you!"

younghoon proudly stated as he went to pounce the younger boy, engulfing him in a tight hug.

"guahhhh! mama i want a bwother two! i wish fwor a bwober o' my bwirthday!"


to say jacob was hesitant to bring juyeon back into the orphanage was an understatement, he was totally panicking on the inside.

he situated the toddler on his hip as he walked back through the all to familiar orphanage doors. jacob greeting seungcheol and jeonghan a good morning, the two reciprocating the gesture before telling him to enter the nursery as he pleased.

"this is where mama found you, angel!"

jacob said, shifting juyeon in his arms so that he could get a better view of the nursery. the boy oohed and ahhed at the sight of the small room, asking excitedly which bed he came from, using his cute voice to demand jacob to bring them there immediately.

jacob chuckled as he carried the boy across the nursery, both younghoon as well as juyeon were picked up from this blue and red crayon stained beige crib. and, a third one, jacob thinks, from this crib was about to be adopted into the family once again.

"look angel, there's a name tag on the crib! can you try reading what it says for mama?"

"s-suhhhh-n-woo! s-sunwoo!"

the little boy in the crib, who's name was called, looked up at the father-son duo.


juyeon yelled excitedly at the baby, unaware of how loud his voice was. jacob bounced juyeon once, warning him not to be so loud, juyeon blushed in embarrassment.

the baby, startled at the loud noise, started sniffling and ended up bursting into tears. juyeon looked at jacob, shocked that the baby started crying as well. thinking his mama was mad at him for making the baby cry, he buried his head in his mama's neck. a common place of comfort for most of his children, jacob noted, while patting juyeon's bum, assuring him that it was alright.

he gently placed juyeon down onto the floor next to the crib, juyeon immediately wiping his tears before looking back into the crib through the beige crib bars.

jacob picked up sunwoo, juyeon's eyes following his mama's every move, turning to hug his leg as jacob lifted the baby out of his crib. the baby was fussing in jacob's arms, kicking and whining and with a pout, not wanting to be picked up. however, when jacob had finally gotten sunwoo into his arms though, sunwoo immediately started to reduce his tantrum to mere sniffles. a wave of warmth engulfed the boy, jacob's embrace gave him an unusual comfort that he had never felt before.

juyeon stared at his mama in awe. he knew that his mama was really great at making him and his brothers calm down, but didn't know it worked for other babies too!

jacob continued to comfort sunwoo in his arm as he held his other hand out to hold juyeon's to guide him out of the nursery and into one of the orphanage's many bonding rooms.

juyeon ran into the room and plopped himself down onto the carpet, frowning in disappointment when the carpets weren't as soft as the ones he were used to at home. jacob chuckled, sounding as if sweet honey was oozing out of his mouth, because man was jacob bae's laugh the sweetest yet most endearing thing you'll ever hear.

jacob sat next to juyeon and placed sunwoo on his lap, facing juyeon.

"hi baby!"

juyeon said, softer this time as he was afraid of scaring the baby again. sunwoo looked at juyeon, and then up at jacob, before giggling, his eyes scrunching up to form tiny crescents and his nose into a little ball.

jacob cooed and booped his nose, sending the younger into an even louder fit of giggles. sunwoo's giggles were much deeper than all of the previous children he had adopted, making jacob fall in love with the baby's deep voice.

juyeon giggled along with sunwoo, clapping at the baby's laughter, telling his mama that he was able to make the baby laugh, asking him if he was proud of him.

of course, juyeon being the clumsy little baby that he is, somehow fell over on his back, letting out a little 'oof' at the impact, before immediately getting up again and smiling sheepishly at his mama with a red face. baby sunwoo stopped giggling and looked up at jacob, pointing his tiny finger at juyeon with curious sparkling eyes.

jacob was very drawn in by the younger boy's big brown doe eyes, they sparkled so brightly when he was curious. the younger then tried to crawl out of jacob's lap, jacob lifting sunwoo off his lap and onto the floor, curious as to what the younger boy would do.

juyeon also stared at the baby, curious as to why he was crawling over towards him. sunwoo crawled to juyeon's side and sat up with his legs forming a 'w' and looked up at juyeon with those same sparkling doe eyes.

juyeon cocked his head to the side, wondering what the little boy wanted to do, he had assumed that his new baby brother, wanted to comfort him. so he showed a little pout towards sunwoo, who opened his mouth, revealing his forming teeth.




> i may be biased but i love a good sunwoo and juyeon chapter 😎 HAHA
anywho, i hope you guys are having a good day/night! <3

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