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memories and night time cuddles
* italics indicates that the part is in the past/in memory/captured on camera


"co'mon little prince you can do it!"

jacob cheered as he opened his arms wide whilst encouraging the almost one year old to take his first steps. sangyeon was right behind them, filming the whole ordeal happening.

wobbling, little younghoon let out little grunts as he forced his tiny legs to put one foot in front of the other to try and get to his precious eomma's arms.

one step, two steps


younghoon fell on his bum again and huffed, blowing his black hair away from his eyes as he glared angrily at the floor.

the two three month old parents cooed at the sight of their little boy and started showering him with words of praises.

jacob was about to lean over to pick his son up when he caught sight of younghoon attempting to stand back on his own again.

"sangie, sangie look! he's trying to walk!"

after two weeks of trying to get to teach younghoon to walk, everytime he failed, younghoon would either cry in frustration, sit and pout on the floor until either sangyeon or jacob pick him up, or just start crawling to the parents instead. so to say that the pair were shocked that younghoon stood up on his own again was an understatement.

"you can do it baby!"

younghoon pouted and stared at jacob's arms with a determined look on his face.

step. step. tumble. stabilise. step. step. step.


into jacob's arms he goes!

" he did it! he did it! you did it prince!"
jacob excitedly chanted as he lifted younghoon into his arms and nuzzled younghoon's nose against his.

younghoon's giggles filled the room as his parents cheered in pure fondness and excitement at the milestone that younghoon had just reached.

"we're so proud of you prince!"

sangyeon said as he sat down beside jacob, who was showering younghoon in kisses all across his face.

younghoon clapped happily and stared into the camera that sangyeon was holding and held up a thumbs up and babbled happily.

the little family was just happily celebrating younghoon's success when younghoon suddenly started pouting again.

the parents stared at each other, confused until they hear younghoon babbling.




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