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the youngest babies finally begin schooling
*time skip one year


it was finally time for the youngest three to start schooling.

time flies by so fast... jacob thought, just yesterday, his oldest boys younghoon and jaehyun were only a year old, but now. he's youngest boys were already seven, dressed up in their cute navy blue and white school uniforms.

getting these three ready were the hardest batch of all the kids. all three of them were not used to waking up at 6.45 in the morning. sunwoo refused to move his butt anywhere, hyunjun was being crankier and sassier than usual, and eric didnt seem to wake up, no matter how hard the parent tried to shake them.

"eric, get up baby, you need to get eat breakfast.."


"come come, you need to eat.."

jacob sighed as he picked up the sleepy seven year old and held him in his arms, carrying him down to the dining room so that he could finally eat his breakfast. as he placed him down on his chair, the sleepy boy nearly dozed off, and slammed his head face first into the bowl of cereal. the impact of cold milk hitting his face did the trick in waking him up though, as he jolted up from the sensation, eyes wide open and little cheerios falling from his forehead and eyelids.

since it was the first day, the three seven year olds reporting time was nearly half an hour later than the rest of the boys, so sangyeon had drove all the older kids to school first while jacob got the youngest three ready in time before sangyeon came back to pick them up.


"come on little choco ball, can't you put on your shoes for mama?"

"no wannaaaaa!"

"not even if i let you have a marshmallow?"


"fine....i'll wear my shoes mama, BUT! only if i get the marshmallow!"

"thank you mama!"


once they had reached the school, jacob snapped a picture of them by the school gates.

"alright kiddos! have a fun day at school!"

sangyeon said, giving them a thumbs up. jacob smiled at them too, waving his hands as a farewell.

sunwoo and eric enthusiastically waved back, excited to look around the campus grounds to see if it really was just as amazing as in the stories that all their brothers had told them.

however, hyunjun on the other hand, froze and looked at his parents like a deer caught in the headlights when he saw that the parents were pointing at him to follow his brothers inwards.

oh hell no. no way on earth was hyunjun entering those gates and strepping into the unknown. he ran towards his parents and hugged both sangyeon's legs as tightly as he could, starting his little waterworks.

"hey hey hey, baby look here, come look at mama."

jacob kneeled down as he moved some of hyunjun's hair out of his face. the boy, still in tears, refused to look up at jacob and hugged the parent's leg tighter, fear evident in the way he refused to let go.

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