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just sunwoo and all the nicknames he's been given (pt. 1)


sunwoo loves attention, especially from his siblings. whether it's little acts of kindness like remembering his favourite colour, giving him extra yummy food or the banter that would ensue after his continuous and relentless teasing, he loves being showered with the love that they give.

what he especially loves is all the little nicknames they have for him. while sunwoo has to address most of them as "hyung", there's no limit to how his hyungs address him. the way they call him adoringly on the most regular and mundane of days is what makes living in a big house all that much more special.

"hyungs! let's play some volleyball!"

sunwoo shouted as he barged into younhoon, hyunjae and haknyeon's shared room.

he grabbed hyunjae and haknyeon by the wrists and dragged them up from their beds and ran over to where younghoon was sitting and tried to yank him up too.

when younghoon playfully wouldn't budge, sunwoo huffed and clamoured on top of him with a pout, grabbing his shoulders and shaking them.

"come on hoonie hyung pleaseee"

sunwoo started, purposefully puffing out his cheeks a little in hopes that that little bit of agyeo would be enough to get his hyung going.

the other two standing hyungs snickered at the younger boy's antics — pulling out the agyeo when he was trying to get what he wants — and younghoon failing miserably to remain indifferent to said boy.

younghoon giggled with a big smile as he snaked his arms around sunwoo and gave him a really tight squeeze and a purposefully sloppy kiss to the cheek.

"alright sunny!"

"ewwww! hyung!"

the four boys grabbed a ball and ran outside to the nearby park to start their game, hyunjae and sunwoo on one team, haknyeon and younghoon on the opposing.

the game was going smoothly, with the ball being hit over an imaginary net and points being scored by both teams.

there were several arguments involving the ball crossing the imaginary line that made up the court boundary, with sunwoo arguing that the line keeps changing in favour of the other team. haknyeon, obviously, retaliated back while the two oldest hyungs laughed louder and harder with every dispute that ensued.

half an hour later and it was 8 - 9 and if the other team scored the next point, they would win. sunwoo was not going to let that happen, he had to win this game!

with determination and his eyes glued to the ball, he waited with bated breathe as haknyeon threw the ball up to serve it.

things were going well, sunwoo and hyunjae were passing and serving smoothly and the fate of the point seemed to be in their hands.

sunwoo jumped up to slam the ball to the other side, with haknyeon nearly missing it but managing to pass it on to younghoon to attack.

younghoon, being pumped by the adrenaline of the game, received the ball with ease and used all the strength he could muster to hit the ball.

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