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new class, and maybe new friends?


chanhee was nervous. no, that was an understatement, he was absolutely terrified of going into class without his twin brother. don't get him wrong, he was very very thankful that he's at least in the same class as kevin, but there was just something not having his twin—his other half—right by his side.

he held kevin's hand tightly as he led them into the classroom, chanhee's head hung down, his eyes occasionally looking up before snapping back at the ground in nervousness.

kevin on the other hand, was not very excited to be in class either. even though he wasn't affected as badly as chanhee was, he was still a little anxious to enter the class without the rest of his brothers. they were a package deal, you know? you wouldn't be able to see one without the other three. but kevin knew he had to stay strong for the sake of his little brother (by a few months) and pull them both through the school day.

kevin felt the grip on his hand tighten the moment he stepped into the classroom, chanhee still standing right outside the classroom, afraid to go in. kevin gently tugged on his arm, whispering an "it's okay channie!" before chanhee gingerly stepped into the classroom, harshly biting on his lip.


"alright class! it's time to introduce yourselves! when i call your name, please introduce yourself, and tell us a little fact about yourself! i'll go first alright? i'm mrs yoon, and i'll be your form teacher for the next two years!"

one by one, mrs yoon called out each student's name and they introduced themselves. then it came to kevin's turn to introduce himself.

"hi everyone! im your moonlight boy, kevin! uhh..i am o-originally from canada and i have ten! wait no, i have nine brothers! it's nice to meet you everyone!"

the class oooo'd at the fact of kevin being from canada, the class spoke up and asked him about canada, and asked whether he could speak english and other questions like that. he tried answering all the questions thrown at him, though awkward. the entire time, he basically looked like the "😬" emoji, with his eyebrows arching and his eyes looking towards his teacher, begging her to make the class stop asking questions.

the teacher seemed to get his message, because she had asked the class to calm down and to not bombard the poor boy with so many questions that he didn't have an answer to.

"alright, let's move on to the next person! next we have...chanhee! chanhee dear, please introduce yourself to the class!"

chanhee froze in his seat, he was quite literally panicking. what if the kids in the class were just like the boy in the mall from that time on his birthday? what if they also made fun of the way he talked and mocked him? he doesn't want to become a laughing stock! wouldn't it be better to just shut up? that way no one would be able to make fun of the way he talked...

chanhee pressed his lips together, his brain absolutely refusing to let him speak. he sunk slightly in his seat, looking at kevin, begging him to help.

kevin saw chanhee's terrified expression, and at once could get a sensing of what was wrong. kevin knew that the younger was nervous when talking to new people, but he never knew it was to this extent.

kevin raised his hand, signalling to the teacher's attention. confused, the teacher walked over to the pair, going down to their height to see what was wrong.

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