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the beginning of an insecurity


chanhee had really really really wanted to go shopping without his brothers (excluding his twin of course) and just spend a day with his mama and papa.

the four year old couldn't understand why his papa couldn't come and celebrate his birthday wish. younghoon hyung said that any wish was supposed to come true on his birthday!

nonetheless, he was very happy that he was going to be able to spend the day with just his birthday buddy and his mama.

"m-mi-nie come-ounnn!"

chanhee yelled with a pout on his face as he watched his brother struggle to lace up his little boots. chanhee and changmin both whined in frustration, the former at the fact that they were supposed to leave a whole ten minutes ago while the latter at the fact that he had no idea how to lace his boots.

"are you guys ready to go?"

jacob asked them as he walked up to the boys, who were standing by the doorway. changmin let out an angry whine at his mama, stomping his still unlaced shoes on the ground.

jacob cooed at the younger of the twins and kneeled down to help him lace up his boots. changmin stared intensively at the way jacob's slender fingers basically glided across the boots, but somehow got the laces to tie up! how did his mama do such a magical thing?

once done helping changmin tie his shoes, jacob stood back up and turned around only to be met with a pouty and crossed armed chanhee. jacob let a silent laugh escape his lips as he cooed again at how cute an angry chanhee looked.

"aww what's wrong, diamond?"

chanhee looked up at his mama upon hearing his nickname, pout still evident on his face. he lifted his hands up towards his mama, wanting to be carried. jacob gladly lifted the boy up and held him on his side.

"if you keep frowning like that, you'll get wrinkles like a little caterpillar!"

jacob exclaimed dramatically to chanhee as he booped his finger on chanhee's nose. chanhee letting out a huge gasp of shock before completely wiping the pout off his face and opted to purse his lips instead. the action making jacob laugh at his son's actions.

"me mr me too! mama i w'na be carried too!!"

jacob, again complied as he carried changmin up in the other arm. with the boys getting older as the days go by, yet still always wanting to be carried, jacob was almost certain that he would build the muscle in his arms back in no time.

"alright birthday boys, to the mall we go!"


"mama i w'na go to the dollie store!"

"n-nuo! m-min-ie al-ways p-pic-ks up the scaw-wy stu-fies!"

"anna ish cute! she n't scawy, channie!"

"n-nuh-uh yo-ur ly-in-in-g!"

the boys bantered as they decided which store they wanted to visit first upon arriving at the mall.

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