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hyunjae's "life changing event"


jacob was sitting on his bed, reading a book he picked up on the way while waiting for juyeon and changmin to finish their dance classes. it wasn't a bad book by any means — some of the characters' wants were questionable at best — but he quite enjoyed the drama that was written.

it has been awhile since he was able to have much downtime to himself. the kids were hanging out with their friends, their brothers, doing homework or persuing their hobbies. he let out a little contented sigh as he sunk further into the cold sheets, getting ready to embark on a new chapter of the book.

but alas, relaxation time is unheard of in the bae household. his door slammed open (politely) to reveal a distraught looking hyunjae on the verge of tears.

call the boy dramatic but he ran towards jacob's side and planted himself face first into the soft sheets, letting out a whine.

"what's my sunshine all upset about hm?"

jacob chuckled, placing his book to his bedside table and running a hand through the boy's recently cut hair. the aforementioned boy let out another whine in response and kicked his legs before letting them lie defeatedly on the sheets.

he looked up at his mama dramatically, lips quivering and all. he took in a deep breath and looked jacob in the eye.

"there's a DOT on my face!"

" a red ugly bump on my face—"

at that, hyunjae's voice cracked, which made him stop mid sentence and slump back dejectedly onto the bed.

jacob was so beyond amused he almost couldn't contain his laughter. but a little laugh still managed to escape his lips.

"mama why are you laughingggg. my voice is being all weird, my legs hurt and there's a DOT ON MY FACE"

jacob smiled lovingly at the ranting boy and just opened his arms, inviting the boy for a hug. hyunjae gladly accepted and placed himself in his mama's arms.

"mama, is there something wrong with me...?"

hyunjae meekly said, hands playing with the collar of jacob's shirt. jacob patted his back a few times in comfort.

"no sunshine, there's nothing wrong! it's very normal."

"my baby's growing up!"

"but but i've always been growing up though..."

"yes, but your body will start growing lots now, so much i don't think you'll be able to fit in my arms anymore!"

jacob chuckled, trying to joke around with the boy. however, hyunjae looked at jacob with a pout, eyes conflicted as if debating whether or not he should say these next words out loud.

"what's with the glum face hm"

"if i grow up i wouldn't be able to hug you like this anymore...?"

"i...don't want to grow up!"

hyunjae announced as he hugged his mama tighter, eyes squeezed shut and his chin in jacob's shoulder.

"of course you'll still be able to hug me silly"

"no matter how big you grow, you'll always forever be my baby"


^ i'm actually losing inspo for this book, i think another 10 chapters till i'm out of ideas
^ if this book goes on an indefinite hiatus would y'all hate me,, im actually kind of scared

^ anyways, here's another thursday update, i hope you guys are having an amazing day / night!

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