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haknyeon's first day of school as a kid two years younger than the rest of his class


the new school year has begun. half of jacob's kids were starting school this year, my gosh how quickly does time fly by in their household.

jacob had decided to enrol haknyeon into school a year earlier than he was supposed to, and into younghoon and jaehyun's class. basically, haknyeon was now attending school two years above his age.

meanwhile, the other four who were starting school this year, were split into two different classes. juyeon and changmin in one class, and kevin and chanhee in another. trust jacob when he says he really did try hard to fight to get all the kids in the same class, or at least the twins, but this school doesn't seem to take anything jacob says seriously.

this was going to be the first time the twins would be physically separated for more than an hour at a time, so it was safe to say that neither twin was feeling like themselves that day, like a part of them went missing.

so, let's take a look at what their first day of school looked like for the five boys, shall we?


haknyeon held younghoon and jaehyun's hands as they guided him into their classroom. haknyeon happily skipped towards to the classroom, happy that he had his two hyungs to guide him through the day and show him around.

the moment the three entered the class, they were crowded with a swarm of children asking how their year end break was and whether they would want to hang out for recess together.

it took the crowd awhile to realise that there was a little boy stuck between his popular brothers. man haknyeon never realised that his brothers were THIS popular in school, that everyone in class, as well as along the halls, knew their names.

"guys this is haknyeon! he's our little brother and he's gunna be joining our class cause he's a really really smart pumpkin!"

jaehyun said, introducing the younger to the crowd of students. haknyeon waved a little hi at the others, and gave his own little introduction, but he could tell that the class was not really paying attention to him, but instead had their eyes fixed on his obviously extremely handsome hyungs.

it didn't really mind the younger though, so he looked around the classroom and gave a gentle tug on younghoon's hand, alerting the older. he looked down at his younger brother, giving him a big big smile as he asked what's up.

haknyeon could see from the side of his eyes the girls melting over younhoon's smile, were all eight year olds like that nowadays? because if so haknyeon so doesn't want to turn eight.

"younghoon hyung, hyunjae hyung, where do i sit...?"

"you can sit next to us!"

"mhm! and we'll help you with anything you dunno, okay hakkie?"

haknyeon smiled brightly at his brothers words, allowing the two to guide him to where they sat, letting him sit in between the two brothers tables.

haknyeon lay his head on the table as he swung his legs beneath, scoping his surroundings. he could hear various comments like

"no fair! why does that new kid get younghoonie oppa and jaehyunnie oppa's attention when i've been trying to get them for the entire year!"


"can yoh believe that that kid is their brother? he doesn't match them at allllll~"

as well as

"he looks like, super young, what is he doing here, he should probably be in kindergarten, not in the big kids club!"

haknyeon rolled his eyes at that one, he couldn't believe that these people would become his new classmates, just the thought of spending the next five years of his life here made the younger groan.

finally, class started, and the first period was math. math was fun, haknyeon liked math, he thought that he was decently good at the subject, so he couldn't wait to see what his hyungs learnt on a daily basis.

"alright kids! in today's class, we are going to recap on how to add two two digit numbers together!"

haknyeon jaw internally dropped, that's what they were learning? haknyeon placed his head on the table, already not impressed by the class at hand, letting a small groan of boredom escape his little lips.

"new kid, haknyeon! it's only your first ever class and you're already deciding to sleep? is it too boring for you?"

haknyeon lifted his head from his seat, looked the teacher right in the eye and nodded to her statement. everyone around them gasped while haknyeon could hear his brothers snicker at his response, giving him a good job pat on the thigh.

the teacher scoffed, commanding the boy to walk up to the front of the classroom to answer some classroom. being the petty person the teacher was, she purposefully wrote down some extremely hard questions for the six year old to answer, confident that he was never going to get them right.

haknyeon looked up the board and raised his tiny brow at the questions given, they were so easy! he didn't even need a calculator to answer them. there was one problem though, the teacher wrote the questions a tiny bit too high for him to reach, even on his very very tip toes.

haknyeon looked at the teacher, pointing out the fact that he couldn't reach the questions on the board, so he informed her that he would write his answers on the bottom of the board.

after writing down his solutions, he capped the marker and placed it back onto the whiteboard, looked at the teacher with a cheeky smile before skipping back to his seat.

"woahh, how'd you do that hakkie? the questions she wrote were really hard..."

"yeahhhh i don't think ms sohn even taught us that yet! how'd you know?"

both brother whispered to haknyeon, surprised by their brother's talent. haknyeon looked back at the teacher and a smug smile formed on his face when he saw her 'fish out of the water' expression, her mouth opening and closing while she blinked in confusion, totally taken aback by his flawlessly answered solutions to her problems.

haknyeon giggled, maybe school wasn't going to be so bad after all.


^ the other boys' first days will be talked about in the next chapters! man a double hak centred chapter in a row, how do we feel :D

^ oh look, finally! a wednesday update that doesn't seem to happen all too often nowadays! exam season is coming up again soon, so i might go MIA for a long while... would be longer than the last, probably until mid november? my last update would probably be mid august, im so sorry for the upcoming hiatus guys!

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