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a bully comes round to play


ok so, it's been three months since haknyeon had started schooling. and bored and annoyed was the simplest words haknyeon could use to describe how he felt while in school.

bored, because classes were well, boring! being in class two years above him, he thought he was going to be challenged, his teachers would push his academic limits and allow him to solve more complex things. but no, he was stuck here listening to the teacher telling the class how to memorise their multiplication tables or about how to spell hospital and restaurant.

annoying, well because—

"you talked to younhoon oppa again today! we told you to stop."

"your big cheeks make you look so ugly!"

"are you ever going to grow past my shoulder? guess not!"

"haha, how are you even younghoon oppa and hyunjae oppa's brother? you look so bad compared to them!"

"you can't even COMPARE him to his brothers, that would be insulting to them!"

"you try and and so so smart! but you're probably actually really dumb!"

haknyeon would be lying if he said that this didn't affect him at all in any way. but, haknyeon had to continuously remind himself that the kids in class were just childish and that he shouldn't even bother to pay attention to their baseless words.

haknyeon still hated it though. but the thing he hated more, was how everyone suddenly became nice to him and spoke to him in a humanly manner the moments his brothers entered the room.

some would completely ignore his presence when his brothers were in the room, and others would pretend to actually get along with him (to get on his brothers good side of course).


"hakkie! do you want a drink? me and jaejae are going down to the vending machines~"

"mmmm, blueberry tea!"

"you've got weird tastes hakkie, but okay! hyungs will be right back okay? wait for awhile!"

younghoon smiled at the younger and jaehyun ruffled haknyeon's hair, making it a big tousled mess of brown atop his small head. he giggled at his brother's absolutely adorable appearance as the younger one whined " i did it nicely this morning!"then both boys walked out of the classroom and into the hallways, making their way to the vending machines by the stairwell, on the far end of the hallway, a good distance from the classroom.

"we told you to stop talking to our oppas, right? why are you so stupid to understand?"

"first of all, it's 'too stupid' not 'so stupid', and secondly you can't dictate when i can and cannot talk to my own brothers."

"you're not supposed to talk back to your elders! you ugly brat!"

"i'll respect those who deserve my respect, sohee. and you aren't one of those people."

"scoff, who would even wanna get your respect anyways? you're just ugly ugly ugly!"

haknyeon rolled his eyes at the childish nine year old as she stomped her expensive school shoes on the ground and screamed to his face.

haknyeon felt a hand grab the back of his head and he felt a tug by his hair and his head was forced backwards, causing him to bend back and be met face first to kim sohee, the girl who had been constantly trying to trigger the boy since he got here.

"stay away from my oppas! they are mine not yours! mine mine mine all mine!"

god was her voice loud and high pitched.

"you deserve nothing!"

she yelled as she signalled her friends to start throwing things at him. a few other girls in the class started throwing paper balls with the words "piggy" written on them. along with those paper balls, pencil shavings and eraser dusts were thrown his way too. the kids laughed at him, pointing their little fingers at him and snickering as they saw his pristine white uniform covered in the black graphite stains.

haknyeon closed his eyes as he tried to control his temper. just then, he felt a cold wet substance trickle his way down his back, then felt his entire head soaked.

haknyeon kept his head low, tears starting to flow down his face as he heard the mocking laughter of his classmates increase in volume. the moment the kids heard a sniffle emit from his mouth however, they started laughing harder, pushing his head against the table and kicking his chair.



the sound of bottles dropping onto the floor and running made haknyeon open his eyes. he saw his brothers stand in front of him protectively as they glared at their classmates, who all had expressions of shock plastered onto their faces.

"what were you guys going to hakkie!"

"everyone is such a meanie! why would you do that to my brother!"

jaehyun, led haknyeon to the side of the classroom and passed him a few tissues to try and dry him to the best of his ability while younghoon engulfed the boy in a hug, cradling the younger as the younger silently let his tears soak into younghoon's shirt. the older not minding his uniform getting wet by his brother's tears nor haknyeon's soaked shirt.

the girls that had poured the water on haknyeon walked up to the trio and tried to apologise to younhoon and jaehyun, giving them weird excuses about how haknyeon had 'dared them to do it' amongst others. the older two were not having any of it and they shooed the girls away, glaring at them to leave.

"how long have they been doing this to you hakkie?"

"and why didn't you tell us! we could punch them and fight them for you!"

haknyeon shook his head in younghoon's embrace, not wanting to answer the two. the two looked at each other, feeling guilty that they had not noticed sooner so that they could avoid it from happening.

"hey uh... you might want to change into this instead..."

younghoon's hug around haknyeon tightened as both boys looked up at the voice. it was one of those neutral kids, who never bothered the brother trio in any way, holding up a fresh and clean shirt in his hand.

" thanks, seokmin"

hyunjae smiled as he gently took the shirt from the boy and gently tapped haknyeon's shoulder.

"it's, dokyeom"

"oh, i'm sorry,, thank you, dokyeom"

both boys smiled at one another, genuinely, before dokyeom sheepishly and gingerly scooted out of the boys' way.

"hakkie, let's get you guys changed now, hm?"


^ it's been...  a while since i've updated
but good news is i only have two exams left to go! so i thought i'd update a little before the official end haha
^ also this was NOT planned, i didn't mean for this chapter to be so sad 😅

^ anyways, i hope you guys are having a great day/night!

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