特殊章 三

118 6 2

ice cream, chocolates, and an unknown allergy

req. by @Tangerine_Radio




"ice cream sounds nice..."

"m-me too please!"

"hu-h did someone say ICE CREAM? WHERE?"

"not yet yeonie hyung, we're asking mama!"


the kids were hollering and shouting from inside of the family's large minibus as they watched jacob drive by the newly opened ice cream parlour.

jacob chuckled to hide the sigh of impending doom this detour would do to his wallet. but who was he to say no to pleading eyes, especially when there were ten of them staring at the back of his head so sweetly and cutely.

sangyeon would definitely kill him once he got home and found out the mini fortune jacob was about to spend on liquid sugar for ten under twelves, but the consequences could wait, he supposes.

"alright, let's go get ice cream"


jacob pulled up at a parking lot that was just shy of the decked out in pastels ice-cream parlour aptly named "sugary treat! ice-cream"

the moment the doors opened, sunwoo, who was the closest to the door and the first one to spot the ice cream parlour's pastel blue walls amongst the already colourful street, was the first one to fly out of the van, nearly tumbling onto his face with how fast his little legs tried to run.

one by one, all the bae children exited the white mini bus and pooled together, waiting for jacob to get out so that they could all walk into the sugar house together.

"okay, one scoop for everyone, okay? so pick your flavour wisely~"

"mama what does rum raisin mean?"

"mama what flavour is boozel woozel?"

"mama i think they spelt mint choco wrong"


"MAMA~ why isn't there any oreo ice cream?"

after a long while of standing by the display case and jacob silently thanking that there was no one else in the store for the family to hold up the line for, all the children had finally chosen their respective flavours.

banana for younghoon

"ew why eat a fruit ice cream hyungie" whined the younger ones when the oldest of the bae children put in his order. younghoon just gave a big pout, contemplating about changing the flavour for a second before he decides that, no! he loves banana ice cream, so he's eating banana ice cream.

raspberry drizzle and cookies&cream for hyunjae and hyunjun respectively

a simple strawberry for haknyeon

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