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it's a secret, but for how long more?
* warnings : cheating, mentions of passionate moments


tick, tok, tick, tok

the perfect beat of the clock counting time as it passes by bounced off the walls and rang in his head, he was waiting for the perfect opportunity to bounce.
the house was so quiet it felt eerie.

tik, tok, tik, tok,

the silence was almost suffocating, please just close your eyes and fall asleep already, please. he thought, laying motionlessly in the bed, waiting for the person beside him to finally fall into a deep enough sleep for him to be able to leave without the risk of waking him up.

tik, tok, tik, tok

it was finally time.

he carefully got out of bed, gingerly shifting the sheets to how they were before, making every move so small and light, as if a single touch could make everything come tumbling down. it really could though, that's why sangyeon was taking extra precautions to ensure that the boy beside him would never find out.

tik, tok, tik, tok

sangyeon closed the front door behind him so carefully you couldn't even hear it close. once he did so, he let out a breath, escaping was always the worst parts of the night. but once he did, he felt like an absolutely free man.

he sprinted towards his car and hopped in, shifted the gears and drove. down a road he knew all too well, turning past a corner, left twice, then right once, then straight all the way. sangyeon drove like this. he drove like this so often, he could drive here blindfolded if that was legal.

tik, tok, tik, tok

even though there wasn't an analog clock in the car, sangyeon could hear the same damned ticking from home in his ears, the sounds fueled the adrenaline in his heart, filled his desperation to run away from that ticking sound.

sangyeon knew he shouldn't be doing this. he knew this wasn't the right thing to do. he knew that this was wrong. so wrong on many levels more than wrong could describe. he knew it was wrong, but at the moment, it felt right. it felt right everytime. the drive to the familiar blue house at 12 in the morning. it always felt right.

the little blue house brought him to places he wish he didn't want to go to. the little blue house brought him the only excitement he had away from the boringness ticking and tocking of his monotonous life.

wake up, work, come home, sleep

tik, tok, tik, tok

sangyeon didn't want to live like that. he wanted to drive up to the little blue house, he wanted to walk up to the front door, he wanted to be wrong. there was oh so many things wrong with what he was doing, but sangyeon was hooked. hooked onto a type of drug he wish he never knew existed.

hooked onto the sound of heels clacking and the door creaking open, hooked onto the slender arms that grabbed his neck, hooked onto the feeling of wrapping his arms around her waist, hooked onto the smell of her perfume. hooked onto everything so wrong, that just felt so damn right.

he was brought inside, into the interior of the familiar blue house. it looked so foreign yet so much like home, so dirty yet so enticing. it felt so wrong. it felt oh so wrong to know the layout of the little blue house better than his own.

tik, tok, tik, tok

his heart was pounding in his chest, it happened everytime he was with her. with her plastic ass on his well maintained thighs, her sharp fingernails in his hair, her lips on his, making him feel so intoxicated.

it was something he knew he would never be able to feel with jacob by his side. jacob could never make him feel this way, the way this woman does. the way this woman, in the familiar little blue house does.

jacob could never make him feel so alive, like he was just a young, naive kid who had not had reality hit home yet. oh how wrong this was. but oh how right this felt. to think about jacob while she was in his arms, but to think about her everytime he's with jacob.

"why haven't you left him yet? can't you see that you're too good for that lame excuse of a human?"

her voiced screeched like the main antagonist in an american high school film, but it sounded like sweet honey to sangyeon's ears.

"i don't know."

sangyeon replied, voice raspy, as he pulled the woman impossibly closer. it was lewd. oh so lewd, but sangyeon knew he couldn't be able to stop, she was so addicting, so addicting.

"i can give you everything that he can't."

tik, tok, tik, tok

kisses and moans filled the empty living space

"i know"

"then you should leave him, he's bringing you nothing but dissatisfaction. you told me sex was boring, wouldn't you be better off with you in my arms instead?"

sangyeon couldn't form words, with every touch she made causing him to feel a sparks. so addicting.

"isn't a pussy better than an ass, i can make you feel things he won't ever be able to."

"i can give you the freedom of responsibility that you long for."

"i can be everything you wanted you and him to be."

"leave him, or he'll leave you first, you wouldn't to be left in the dirt wouldn't you?"

"less than the soil on the ground. less than the dirt, that's what that boy is to you, isn't he?"

the woman caressed his face, nibbling on his skin ever so slightly, letting out off key screams of pain and satisfaction as sangyeon held her in his arms.

"he can't even be compared to the dirt on the ground."

"that's right baby, so why don't you go ahead, leave him? leave him like you said you would seven years ago."

"i can't..."

the woman got off sangyeon's lap, and drew a distance. making sangyeon groan in frustration at the sudden halt to their session.

"you can, why don't you!?"

sangyeon had no answer.

tik, tok, tik, tok

that damned sound. the signal, the sign, the warning, telling him that he was going to do something he might regret.

he hugged her tight, arms locked round her small waist, hands roaming up her back and everywhere else.

"alright, just please give me a little more time."

the woman placed her perfectly manicured hands around his neck and patted his head

"good boy"


^ i felt so bad for that ridiculously short chapter, so hey hey a double update!

^ i'm leaving you all on a cliff hanger how do we feel about that..
aight, i hope you all will have a good day/night!

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