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hwall's adoption story

"hyunjae hyung! i wanted the one without pineapple!"

"nuh euh yeonie! i have it now!"

"hyungie~ b-b-ut i...d-o-uuun-t lik-eh t-hat eeei-thh-eeer-"

"hmmm..sure thing channie!"

"hey no fair!"

"it's super duper fair!"

"how? come on jaejae hyung!"

"it's cause channie asked for it!"

"hmm...fair point.."

jacob chuckled amongst the conversations happening over the table. he nudged chanhee, who he saw looked quite disappointed when he wasn't able to say the full sentence that he wanted to fully. jacob gave him a thumbs up at the effort he had made to not stutter during that sentence. "you did really well baby! mama is extremely proud of you for trying!"

chanhee smiled and looked down at his plate, feeling shy after his mama had noticed how hard he tried to make it sound super duper natural like everyone else's.


after dinner had ended and the night wash routine had been completed, jacob tucked each and every one of his children to bed, giving them each a goodnight kiss on the forehead, and all the kids returned the gesture by kissing their mama back on the cheek or giving him a big goodnight hug.

he tucked the three youngest boys to sleep and was getting ready to leave, but felt a tug on his hand by hyunjun.

"m' no can sleep..."

jacob picked the younger up, and placed him on his chest, cradling him in his arms as he walked back to his and sangyeon's shared room.

jacob leaned his upper against the headboard and held the a trying to fight off the sleep hyunjun in his arms.

"it's okay baby, you can sleep..."

jacob softly whispered as he gently pressed the younger's head onto his chest and slowly rubbing his back. the parent's actions comforted hyunjun, making him relax in jacob's hold, and finally close his eyes to doze off into wonderland.



hyunjun screamed as while trying to attach himself onto himself onto his mother's leg.

"i can't take care of you any longer you stupid boy! you're such a headache and a nuisance!"

hyunjun's mother screamed before harshly grabbing hyunjun by the arm and basically drag him across many streets.

by the time they had reached their destination, hyunjun was just sniffling in pain at the tight grip his mother has on his arm, the area that she gripped in bright red, some spots where she had rings press against his arm started turning purple too.

the mother lifted him up, arms making sure he was as far away from her face as she could, looking as if she was trying to take out the trash.

she plopped him on a random person's porch. took out a notepad and wrote something on it. then shoved it into hyunjun's hands.

"mummy has to do something really quickly okay? just sit down here and pass the nice people who open the door this piece of paper i gave you okay? mummy will be back before you know it!"

hyunjun nodded at his mother's words, trusting her and sat patiently at the porch of a stranger's house. he saw as his mother rung the doorbell once, twice, before turning around and running away as fast as her legs in heels could carry her.


hyunjun confusedly looked at his mother 'a disappearing figure as his eyes started to water up once more.

the door then creaked open to reveal a boy, older than hyunjun, with brown hair and brown eyes. they stared at each other for a good five seconds before the unknown boy, whilst still looking at hyunjun shouted for his mama.


hyunjun confusedly looked at the older, not understanding anything that was happening around him. his mother had just disappeared without a trace and now there is a boy screaming words at his face.

hyunjun then saw as a large male figure approached the door next to the boy who screamed. hyunjun saw the older and immediately remembered what his mother had told him to do.

he lifted his hand up and waved the note around at the adult, trying to get him to take it.

the boy who screamed held the adult's hand as the latter crouched down and kneeled infront of hyunjun, gently taking the note from his hands and giving him a small 'thank you'.

'i can't take care of him anymore, so i'm giving him away. please do whatever you want with him and don't try and contact me. good luck trying to handle the devil's incarnate. btw his name is hyunjun.'

the parent softened his gaze as he stared pitifully at the boy who had just gotten abandoned.

"oh, honey..hyunjun, would you like to come in to have some dinner?"



hyunjun stirred in his sleep, tossing around as he started to cry. he was having a nightmare.

jacob, who still had hyunjun in his arms as they both fell asleep, woke up at the sound of hyunjun's sniffles and whines.

he groggily sat up and got up, walking around the room with hyunjun in his arms. he gently pat hyunjun's bum as he slowly swayed around, getting the younger to calm down.

he felt hyunjun's tiny fist clench a fistful of his shirt, the boy was squeezing his eyes shut as beads of tears and sweat rolled down his face.

"m-mama don-dont le-eave please..."

"i'm not going anywhere baby, mama's right here...mama's right here..."


> so we're nearing the end of the adoption stories, how do you guys like the story so far?
anyways, i hope you guys are having a splendid day/night!

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