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the pov in the house when jb left for his jeju trip


it was nine am and everyone in the house was still asleep, a very rare occurrence for the usually bustling household.

kevin woke up groggily from his sleep. he had expected to smell the scent of pancakes wafting through the air, their saturday morning tradition, but was instead greeted with the smell of...normalness. that's not normal...

kevin looked to his bedside to the digital clock, which read nine am. kevin pouted, huh that's strange? mama would usually have us all up by eight!

kevin got out of bed, waking up the other four year olds who he shared rooms with. the other boys also waking up and quick to notice that their saturday morning did not follow its usual tradition. they all decided to band together and head towards the parents' room, hoping to find their mama there for they wanted their morning kiss.

juyeon, being appointed as the one to open the door as he was the oldest of the four, slowly pushed the door open wide enough four everyone else to tip-toe their way inside.


changmin squeaked out, looking worriedly at his brothers when he received no response. the four looked at each other before deciding to jump onto the bed, hoping to find him and their papa still asleep.

"wakey mama!"

they yelled as the pullled up the sheets, only to reveal an empty bed with white sheets. chanhee's eyes immediately started to water, thinking of the worst the moment he didn't see his mama in the bed.

it didn't take long for the small boy to burst out into tears, trying desperately to wipe the tears off his face while trying to form coherent sentences to express his worry to his brothers, but to no avail, which made him cry out even harder with the added frustration.

just then, as the brothers tried to comfort the crying chanhee, sangyeon happened to walk out of the shower while using a towel to wipe the water from his hair.

"p-papa! mama ish gone!"

changmin exclaimed to sangyeon, almost in tears as well, but he kept telling himself to stay strong for his brother, who was currently a crying mess.

"he's not gone bub, your mama just went out on a little trip, he'll be back before you know it, okay?"

sangyeon's gentle smile and assuring words calmed the boys down, and chanhee had stopped crying. all the boys then went to sangyeon, giving him a big hug and air kisses, wishing him a happy birthday!


i'm sorry, writers block had me in a chokehold with this one...
i had so many ideas in my head, but just couldn't type them out for this one..
i still hope you enjoyed !

ANYWAYS, i have revived from the dead! it's been a dreadful month of exams and stuff, but i'm back for another chunk of time at least :)

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