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hak's adoption story


"sometimes i wish you would just disappear from my sight for a day."



jacob sighed, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"alright, alright, fine. tomorrow's your birthday isn't it?  you have a day off tomorrow too..i-i'll do as you wish, disappear for a day, from the time you open your eyes till the time you fall a-asleep, i..i'll be away, far away from your sight. just like you want..."

jacob mumbled, not sure if sangyeon even heard it. not making eye contact with his partner, instead he looked down at the carpet that had accidentally been stained by hyunjun and kevin the other day while they were trying to paint a shirt for their papa's birthday. closing his eyes tightly, he took in a deep breath before getting up, walking past sangyeon, not wanting to even much so glance at the partner he once thought was his everything.

jacob took out a backpack, packing some hygiene products and an extra set or two of clothing. jacob could feel sangyeon's stare burning the back of his head, he tried to ignore it and continue to pack up for his day trip.

sangyeon continued to keep his eyes on the younger male, not moving away. jacob zipped up the bag and dumped it beside his side of the bed, climbing into it closed his eyes, not wanting to deal with the older who, mind you, was still boring holes to the back of jacob's head.

jacob heard sangyeon sigh before feeling the bed dip as sangyeon climbed under the covers too.



jacob gawked in awe at the sheer beauty of the island of jeju. even though he had already been living in korea for nearly a decade, he has never been to the popular jeju island before.

jacob's first destination was to a popular barbecue spot near the ocean, known for their mouth watering pork skewers, juicy local dishes and affordable prices.

jacob was sitting alone, enjoying his food, he decided to look around the view from his table in the outdoor seating area.

he saw many families. with smiling mothers and cheeky fathers, excited kids and bouncing pets at every table he looked at. all of them were filled with families that look like they came out of a fairytale.

it made jacob miss home. he had only been away for three hours, yet he already missed his chaotic and ever messy household. he missed the children's good morning greetings, and their breakfast rituals.

he wondered what they were up to, what would they be doing at the moment, are they missing him? or are they doing just fine without him? he thinks that some of the kids might cry when they realise that jacob isn't at home. i mean, this is the first time he would be away from the children for a full day.

how were they doing? was sangyeon taking good care of them? would he remember to make sure that younghoon, chanhee, changmin and sunwoo liked their eggs scrambled while jaehyun, juyeon and kevin liked theirs sunny side up, making sure that juyeon's were more cooked while kevin's would be more on the runny side? how about the fact that chanhee would not eat unless all of his utensils and crockery were pink, and pink only? or that eric liked sitting in the high chair at the far corner of the dining table.

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