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show and tell


it was show and tell week in school, everyone in every class had to showcase something to the class, regardless if you were in primary one or primary six. This year's theme was about their most prized possession, their absolute treasure. students had to bring an artefact that they treasure the most, and tell the class why it is precious to them.

so, what did jacob and sangyeon'a beloved boys pick for the show and tell? well, let's take a look, starting from the classroom of the ten year olds.


ten year old younghoon patiently waited for his turn to arrive. he never really cared much for the school's annual show and tell, he even contemplated not bringing anything at all this year. but, he wouldn't want to get on mrs sohn's bad side. (though, to be fair, the whole class was already on her bad side)

this year however, in celebration of the fact that he's two digits for the first time in his life, he decided to put in a little more effort for this years presentation. instead of grabbing the first thing he laid his eyes on the morning of the show and tell, he actually brought a special keychain, one that kevin had gifted him for his eighth birthday.

"younhoon, you're up."

younghoon stood from his seat and walked to the front of the class, a few girls giggling and fawning at the boy as he made his short walk to the whiteboard and stared at everyone.

he held up his keychain in his hand and made a peace sign pose with it first before beginning his speech that he never prepared for.

"my most treasured item is this. it's a little bread keychain. i named it bbang bbang. it's the only one in the entire world, no one else has this keychain nor will they ever be able to get their hands on it, cause my little brother kevin made it for me! he gifted this to me for my eighth birthday...uhhh..."

"so, because bread is my most favourite thing in the world, and my brother had gifted this to me after making it with his own to tiny hands...it's my most precious treasure!"

younghoon ended his speech in a cute pout, earning squeals from the girls seated infront, then walked back to his seat.

"wow...i can really see how much effort you put in to this year's presentation. do something more meaningful next time."

younghoon rolled his eyes and went back to his seat, clutching the little bread keychain in his fist till his knuckles turned white.

he really did treasure the little bread keychain very much.


a few rounds after younghoon's it was finally jaehyun's turn.

"jaehyun you're up."

"it's hyunjae mrs sohn! hyunjae! not jaehyun."

"go and do your damned presentation, bae."

jaehyun rolled his eyes as he got up to the centre of the class. he pulled a dark red jacket that was kept in almost pristine condition yet looked like it was used very well, from his bag and held it up to the class.

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