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jacob brings hak to test if he's academically gifted


jacob has noticed how one of his sons, haknyeon, has been picking things up extremely quickly.

he's been adding new words into his list of vocabulary incredibly quickly, with a sensing on how to use those words in a sentence. sometimes he would even correct his older brothers on their grammar once in a while.

he also noticed how haknyeon naturally remembered things extremely fast, and had a pretty good memory too. he had learnt how to count to twenty within two months of him being added to the family, and had even picked up how to speak short and simple english sentences just by listening whenever jacob spoke to kevin and eric in english. (he didn't want the two kids who came from canada and america to lose a little of where they were from)

so, jacob decided to bring haknyeon to a centre for gifted children, just to check. jacob wanted to make sure that haknyeon would be able to receive the right kind of education should he really be gifted.

"come on, pumpkin, let's go!"

jacob said to haknyeon, lifting him off the ground and into his arms. haknyeon looked especially cute today, with a pink bobble hat with a grey sweatshirt and pink leggings.


jacob and haknyeon entered the centre. jacob talked with the old lady behind the counter and chatting for awhile while waiting for their childrens specialist psychologist to arrive.

"you seem like a very good dad who adores his children! ahh my son should learn a little from you!"

the old lady said to jacob as she watched haknyeon play with the ends of jacob's hair. (he was trying to grow it out a little, so his hair reached down to his neck and was long enough for one to twirl their fingers in his hair) haknyeon snapped his head and looked at the old lady while jacob let out an awkward laugh.

"he's mama!"

the old lady was slightly taken aback, before chuckling and apologising to jacob, repeating what she had previously mentioned, but swapping the word "dad" with "mom". jacob smiled at the gesture, everyone he had met so far, whether in conversation or just passerbys on the street, had either looked at him with disgust or confusion. so he was very grateful for the old lady's understanding at the role that jacob played in their kids lives.

not long after, the psychologist came up to them and apologised for the wait. jacob and haknyeon said goodbye to the old lady at the counter before following the professional to a special room.

jacob was instructed to wait outside as haknyeon was brought in to complete a few tasks. it was hard to make haknyeon go in without jacob at first, with the boy refusing to let go of his mama. it took both adults a lot of convincing, and jacob promising to buy haknyeon a big big lollipop after the day was over, to convince the young boy to enter the room with the psychologist, who had earlier introduced herself as ms park jihyo.


"alright haknyeon, we're going to play a few games together with me, is that alright?"

haknyeon nodded with a little smile.

ms park first started off by testing his memory skill with the colour game. there were four colours on the pad, each of them lighting up in a certain sequence. with every round, a new colour would light up and haknyeon had to successfully reproduce the whole pattern onto the devise before a new round would begin, adding on to the previous pattern with an extra step.

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