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show and tell pt.2


"alright! next up we have juyeon! juyeon honey would you like to share what you got to show the class today?"

juyeon excitedly stood up and made his way to the front of the class, almost tripping over someone's chair in the typical juyeon fashion on the journey.

"hello everyone! todayyyy, i brought this photo! it-it's the first ever photo that my family took as one full family, with all twelve of us, we took it while at the ice cream place! you should have seen the face of the ice cream lady to see so many of us! this picture is my most favourtest thing in the world because my family is the best best bestest!"

"here's my mama, and my papa, here's hoonie hyung and jaejae hyung, and there's changminnie and kebbie and channie! and there's also hakkie, sunny, junnie and my littlest brother eric! and of course, i'm righhhhht here!"

juyeon excitedly exclaimed, beaming widely as he showcased the picture for everyone to see. the whole class clapped for juyeon, some kids gasping at how large juyeon's family was, some at the fact that he was related to the two boys some of their noonas and unnies would talk about, or at the fact that the school's little genius was his brother too.

some were confused at how and why his mama was a boy and not a girl.

"wait? a mama is supposed to be a girl..? but mama is a boy! teacher! does that mean that my mama who is a boy is actually a girl?"


it was changmin's turn to present right after juyeon's. he skipped to the front of the class, holding a doll that was half of his tiny frame. you guessed it, it was his most favourite annabelle doll!

"this is annabelle everyone! she's a super pretty and nice doll, isn't she so cute, everyone? annabelle doll is my most favourite thing because my mama bought it for me! and also cause i watched the movie with my papa accidentally, but i loved it so so so much that i was able to convince papa to convince mama to get me my very own annabelle!"

the class was too stunned to speak.

were they supposed to clap...? or scream at the fact that the cute and adorable changmin just brought a possessed and scary looking doll into class with the widest and happiest grin ever plastered on his face.

"yay! go changminnie and annabelle noona!"

"yay! thanks juyeonnie!"


"kevin, you're up moonlight boy!"

"you got it mrs yoon!"

kevin happily grabbed his favourite paint set and proudly stood infront of the class. no matter what topic the school had for the past three years he was here, he had brought in the same thing every time. most colourful thing? paint set. most expensive thing? paint set. most treasured and precious thing? you guessed it, his paint set.

"hi everyone! i think you can guess what my item is for this year, no? well surpriseeeee~ it's my most favourite ever paint set! even though it makes me realllyyyyyyyy sad that mr paint set is almost out of paint, it's still my most treasured thing ever!"

family . tbzМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя