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late night game night


it was midnight and the parents were fast asleep. but not for the children, nope! it was time for game night!

younghoon, jaehyun, juyeon, kevin, chanhee and changmin all gathered in the room that the four four year olds currently shared, shushing each other from time to time and giggling that they had successfully escaped bedtime.

"wet's pway a game!"

"shhhh minnie you're going to wake mama n' papa up!"

"nono i'm nwot!!"


"no you shhhh!"


"no you— hey ow ow OW—"

"n-no a-a-ll of y-ou shhhh!"

chanhee angrily stuttered out as he punched juyeon's shoulder in an attempt to shut him up.

"sorry channie~~"




everyone whisper-yelled as they tackled changmin to the ground, everyone erupting into a fit of giggles as they lay atop of each other on the ground.



"uuuegh this is no use!"


"guys~ let's pway this!"

kevin said, catching the other five's attention, holding a box of jenga blocks. he made his way to the floor and poured out all of its contents.




jacob opened the door to juyeon, kevin, chanhee and changmin's bedroom and was surprised to see his six toddlers sprawled out in the carpet floor. limbs tangled everywhere, with some feet in others mouths and drool dripping from the corners. it was a very cute sight, seeing his children entangled together like a rug that was woven together.

he snapped a picture and sent it to sangyeon, before carefully lifting each boy off the floor, and placing them back in their beds.

chanhee and changmin in changmin's bed, the koala hugging kevin and juyeon onto kevin's bed, younghoon into juyeon's bed and jaehyun into chanhee's.

jacob shook his head at his six little mischievous babies and gently closed the door, allowing them to sleep in just a little longer today.


^ gotta have those shorter chapters once in a while don't ya? haha
anyways, in the middle of exam week rn, in fact i have an e-math and e-geography exam tmr and i lowkey want to not go to school, so the chapter is short, sorry about that, but i'll post next wednesday (it's the day after my exams end haha!) to make up for it, promise~

how are you guys liking the story? i'm not very good at pacing out stories, so i really have no idea whether this story is paced too fast or way too slow 😅😅

ah well, i hope you guys have a wonderful day/night!

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