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when the younger kids decided to hold a fashion show


"i-i'm the pwettiest one here!"

"nuh uh, i am!"

"sunny wears sleepy clothes awwww day! u' cwant be the pwettiest!"

"uh yes i can!"

"hyunjunnie hyung~ i'm the pwettiest wite?"

"NUH UH! junnie I am, twell him i'm wite!"


"you're bwoth wong. i'm the pwettiest!"


"wew, let's ask mama!"

"thwats a gud idea hakkie hyung!"

"i bet mama's gunna say i'm the pwettiest!"




eric and sunwoo shouted as they charged into jacob's room, catapulting themselves onto the bed as haknyeon and hyunjun waltz in behind the two, climbing onto jacob's bed as well.

jacob was slightly taken aback by the question but chuckled at the their antics. eric climbed into his arms and sunwoo hugged his arm. all four kids leaning towards their mama, waiting for his response.

"you're all the prettiest, my babies!"

jacob exclaimed as he squished eric's cheeks and ruffled sunwoo's hair. all the kids groaned with a pout on their face.

"no mama! but who's the pwettiest?"

"yeah mama! hoonie hyung twold me that anythwing with e s t behwind mweans 'tuh most' so, you can onwy pick one mama!"

haknyeon exclaimed, flopping down dramatically onto the bed, looking up at his mama while he was upside down.



"SHHH HAKKIE HYUNG! mama can be the...uh...the..., choosy pwerson"

"the judge!"

"MHM! mama can be the juodgue an an and, we awww will bwe the uhhhh.."



jacob had to hold back his laughter at the conversation eric and haknyeon just had. jacob was honestly shocked at the five year old's wide vocabulary and his ability to remember things that most kids his age would find quite difficult. maybe he should get haknyeon assessed if he was gifted.

jacob nodded along to the boys' requests to do a "pretty contest" as sunwoo had called it. he was very adamant on the name even though hyunjun and haknyeon kept telling him that it was called a "beauty pageant" .



"alright, first up we have pumpkin bae!"

haknyeon waltzed out of the bathroom door with his blanket as a cape and wearing those moustache sunglasses he had received for his birthday. he showed jacob the duck lips and sassily placed a hand on his hips and blew kisses to everyone in the room.

jacob had a fun time filming the oldest of the four children as he strode across the room in his very unique model walk. by the end of his walkway, he formed a heart with his hands then sat back onto jacob's bed.


sunwoo shouted as he ran into the bathroom to prepare his costume. a few minutes later and jacob almost running into the bathroom at the sound of something hitting the floor later, sunwoo slammed the door open with sangyeon's reading glasses barely resting on his face.

the four year old held the glasses with both of his chubby hands and cat walked out of the bathroom, a pair of underwear on his head—he probably got that idea from juyeon— and took big strides across the room and shaking his little bum with every few steps.

the other three children cackled loudly at sunwoo's performance, before rolling on the floor in laughter at sunwoo's ending pose—something jacob was sure he would tease sunwoo about even as he grew older. jacob almost had himself in tears laughing as he watched sunwoo bend himself forward with the cutest expression he could muster and placed both his fingers on his puffed out cheeks.

after everyone had calmed down, hyunjun walked into the room to put on his outfit. after that, he came out of the bathroom wearing articles of clothing jacob didn't even remember buying, much less owning. but for some reason, the little boy pulled it off surprisingly well.

hyunjun was wearing one of jacob's huge oversized dress shirts, the shirt engulfing the four year old, making him look even tinier than he was. he also wore jacob's black beret and dangling slip on necklace.

jacob was genuinely surprised at the four year old's fashion sense. the other kids must have seemed shocked too as they all became quiet and stared in amazement at hyunjun's choice in clothing, he looked like he was about to model for new york fashion week.

after the stunning performance by the boy, hyunjun shot a bright gummy smile before walking back onto the bed and hopping into his mama's arms, pretty confident that he would win the pretty contest.


and boom. eric came out of the bathroom with nothing but his shorts and jaehyun's iron man mask while holding changmin's cardboard captain america shield. everyone in the room burst out laughing yet again, not being able to take eric's amusing choice of clothing seriously.

after all the boys had finished showing off all that they've got, they all crowded around jacob, pestering him to crown the winner of their impromptu fashion show.

"all of you were so pretty! so, you're all winners!"



> part 1649562 of being unable to properly update on time, i apologise.

> also, why is this something i could see the boyz absolutely doing 💀

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