Chapter 1

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Mystic Falls High

After I threw my new and surprisingly unbreakable alarm clock on the wall for waking me up then, I'm not a fan of morning's especially one where I'm starting school. It's big change when you've been home schooled for my entire life. So here I am walking into hell and now lost searching for the principal's office. "You lost?" A voice said behind me and I turned to see blond girl who had a knowing look on her face like she's seen many people like me lost and she's a vampire a new bee one at that I could feel her I and said "And my cover for not making myself new has been blown." She chuckled and I led out my hand and said "Altair Axton.". She shook it and said with a smiled "Caroline Forbes. The principal's rooms this way. I can show you.". "Lead the way.".

We started to walk while she asked "So where did you move from?.". "Uh New Orleans.". "Oh, that's a big change.". "Yes it is and I'm regretting it the moment I stepped into this hellhole. I've been home schooled." I added and she nodded "Well here's the principal's office and do you want me to stay and help you Altair.". "That would be very much appreciated Cadence.". I said and was about to opened the door while she said "Caroline.". "Huh?". I asked confused and she cleared "It's Caroline. Not Cadence.". "Sorry I'm really bad at names, Caroline.". She waved it off and went while I got my schedule.

My entire day went in one word boring but Camila was there with me most of the classes so it wasn't total bore, she is fun, bubbly and blunt we like each other very much. We're walking through the doors as the school ended and she said "You should come to the Masquerade Ball. Tonight.". "I'm not a very sociable person Camryn.". She turned and said "It's Caroline or Care at least remember that." I nodded and she said "Plus I'll be there and you befriended me.". "Correction: You befriended me yourself, I was just polite. Also your loveable person Care.". She said dramatically "Finally, yes and thank you. 10 hours of work paid off of me making you say my name correctly. No offence". "Uh yes offence, I'm not a toddler I just easily forget names like our history teacher Alonzo.".

She started laughing and said "It's Alaric.". I pursed my lips into a tin line and asked "Really?". "Yeah". We laughed and she asked after few seconds "Give me your phone and I'll send you address for the ball.". I said while giving her my phone "Do I have to?". "Yes. Here and my name is". "Really" I asked folding my arms and she said doing the same "Yes, really.". I rolled my eyes and said "Caroline.". She squealed and said "And don't you forget it. Bye Al.". "Bye Care." I said and went home.

Lockwood Mansion

It's night time and I was wearing a black tuxedo with tie and took a mask from the entrance and went in searching for the new bee vamp a.k.a my friend. I was looking for Care and suddenly stopped onto the kitchen when I felt another witch no witches. I looked around to see two dark skinned women talking to themselves and the other one left in a hurry and I mused "Of course I would have came into a supernatural hotspot. A newbe vamp and 2 witches both seemed powerful, a werewolf is what missing in this circus of town.". Then went in search of Care while taking a glass of drink.

"Finally." I said from behind my friend and she turned around said enthusiastically "Al, you made it.". "You didn't gave me a choice and you look gorgeous in the red dress.". "You look dashing in that tux, what's this necklace." She asked touching my necklace and I said "It's my Dad's family heirloom, It's weird in a good way and I wear it all the time.". "It's unique.". She said and we chuckled and I asked bowing slightly "Would you give me the honor of dancing with me Caroline.". "The honor is all mine Altair.".

We chuckled and started to dance in the middle, I was slightly terrible so I followed her lead and she said "Your not too bad at dancing.". "I'll take that as an compliment. I've never been to a ball before.". "Really" She asked and I nodded "Or a party or sleepover at friends not that I had any, I only had a boyfriend.". "Had? You broke up". "It was a toxic relationship, part of a reason why I came here.". She nodded understanding and we danced small talked then she suddenly looked alarmed and said "Excuse me." and went, I was comprehending on follow her or not then decided fuck it and went to a study to see her in the middle of two guys and the blond one said "I can't! Let me go, I have to finish!".

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