Chapter 31

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Whitmore College


Bonnie called to their room and I'm standing before her, Jeremy and Care. "Ok...why am I here?". "Your ok." Care said and I said "I am.". "But you shouldn't be". "Why?". "Because Kathrine's dead and you.....loved her?". "That fact that you question that last sentence should tell you that maybe I didn't love her.". "But you said all that stories and how she an another side!!". I chuckled and asked walking towards them and catching eye of Jeremy's crossbow "Let's get to point, what are you implying Caroline Forbes?". She hesitate and Jeremy said "That your humanity's off.". "Yeah it is." I said shoving my hands on the pockets while Care asked "What? Why?! When?!"

"My sister died......other sister.". "Davina?". "Yeah she was scarified in a barbaric ritual called Harvest and it happened 2 or 3 days ago.". I chuckled catching the arrow Jeremy launched at me and asked "It was the hair right? I lost a bet with Z, damn her. You know I was damn sure she couldn't drink 15 shots but she did and I have to wear this for whole year. But I think I kind of like it. You know.". Care vamp sped tried to attack me but I plunged the arrow into her shoulder and said while she hissed "Do we really have to do this? I like my humanity off.". She injected a vile of Vervain into my neck and said while I stumble back "Yes we do. Because your not you right now."

I cracked my neck and vamp speddingly took my gun and  shot Jer, in the shoulder, knees and abdomen  and Car in her head while Bon screamed and kneeled next to Jer, I tossed he crossbow and said to sobbing Bon and groaning Jer "Look I know my humanity's off but I don't want to kill my friends. ". I bit my wrist and gave Jeremy my blood and said while he healed "See, I'm not gonna go on a killing spree or anything. I just want to not feel constant depression, worthlessness and sadness.  If you want proof, ask Z I was with her still my humanity off and I didn't kill anyone without reason.". I stood up and walked to the door then turned around and said "This is an example, leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. Pink promise."

Mystic Grill

I walked into the Grill and searched for who I'm going to use on making my friends stay away. "Hello Liz." I greeted sitting against her in the booth and she smiled "Hello Altair. What are you doing here?". "Oh you know just wanted o see my twins mom. Thanks for the birthday present by the way.". I said wiggling the witchy keychain in front of her and she laughed "No problem. Although it was an joke.". Just then Damon came and sat next to us by puling a chair and said "Liz, Withy #2.". "Damon, why are you day drinking now?" Liz asked and he said taking a shot "Well Liz, I broke up with Elena and now I'm miserable.". "Do we look miserable to you?"

I asked and he said "Well that's why I'm here, we three are gonna have fun draining this town's alcohol.". "Liz can't drink too much or at all, she's in duty now. Right Liz." I asked and she said "Yes, so I'm going to leave and please don't drain this town's whole liquors.". "We'll try." We said and I asked "So lets start with how big Idiot you are to break up with Elena or you do you wanna play pool?". "Well I've still have to discover your skill of losing in pool.". "Bold of you assume I will lose.". "You know what, I head that you like bets. If I win you'll own me one favor of any kind.". "And if I win, I'll own your soul." I said and he asked "You can't own my soul.". "Fucking watch me man!"

"Yes! Suck on that Damon Francesco Salvatore!!!" I yelled after taking a shot of of 3 Tequila bottle and winning Poll. "How do you know my full name?". "I found yours and Stefan's death and birth certificate.......when I broke into Mystic Falls archive. Opps". He laughed and said "Well I guess you own my life now.". "No thanks I've seen it and I'm not very impressed." I said and laughed at his face then Stefan came and said "Damon.". "And there goes all the fun. Hello brother.". "I'm gonna go find another bottle." I said and went, when I came back Care was also here and she said to them "Okay. So Bonnie took Jeremy to go visit her mom and neither of them have talked to Elena."

Empathy  ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now