Chapter 44

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Wedding Venue

"I'm sorry did you just say 'Zari's been kidnapped', as in our Zari who is only 5 months pregnant!!". "Yes!!. I mean was. Look after you went, I was alone with Zari and suddenly people no witches came out of nowhere and attacked me, I woke up to find Zari missing, Freya did an locator spell but couldn't find her and Hayley as we helped her un curse she pack, she helped us look for her by sent and just an hour before we found her in an abandoned house, with a crossbows' of yours and bloody body. She was looking very hot-" . "Lexi!!". "Sorry and apparently she kicked their ass with your dark object necklace help and killed everyone one of them. But she has an broken arms and possible broken ribs.". "What?!?!"

"I know and now, we're taking her to Hospital, and we need Kai.". "Well Kai might possibly be at a Prison Word banished by his asshole of a father.". "That bastard did what?!". "I know and-" I got cut off as a snap and suddenly everything went black. I gasped awake and cracked my neck as realizing someone killed me after putting a protection spell, I rushed inside to see total chaos, blood colored Wedding and heard Ka's voice "Of course, you don't have to help her. You could just walk away. She dies of collapsed lung, no blood on your hands, and you and Elena get to live the life you always dreamed of."

I slowly came to see Kai in a blood covered suite and yelled "What did you do!!". He just glanced at me still smirking and I yelled "Kai what did you do!!". He winked at me and I ran to Damon and Bonnie as Damon went and asked "Bon!!. Bon!!". She didn't see me, just cried silently and I said turning to him "You cloaked me!!". He just ignore me started "That's it? He just left you? The whole point was that this would torture him for a while. I mean, you'd thin-". He suddenly gasped for air as I thrusted my hands towards him and chanted "laisse moi voir rité". I said walking at him knowing I was visible with Bon on my trail as I healed her "Cat got your tongue?".

"dors ma-" I was about to knock his ass when someone held me by neck and said "Tell me how to bring Elena back?".  "Let Al go, Damon." Kai said in gritted teeth and Damon said "Tell me or your boyfriend dies.". "He's not my boyfriend/ Let him go!" We both said and I said "He's the father of my very injured Best friend who's at the Hospital by his Jack-ass coven.". "What happened to Zari?!" He asked worried and I asked "Oh now you care about your baby and her!?.". I thrusted my hand back to my chest as Damon was flown off of me and chanted "domovtilus.". Bon and Damon was immobilized and I said marching at Kai

 "While you were busy crashing your Twin's wedding and massacring, your jerk of a father decided that you shouldn't have a baby as you an 'abomination' and a mass murdering sociopath which I agree to the latter.". He asked harshly grabbing me by shoulders "Is the baby ok?!?!". "Yes!. Why did you do all...this when you were so close to finally changing. You were about to have everything you wanted!!.". "And he vowed to took it all away!!. I though she was dead with my baby!!." He said crying and I wiped tears off his face and flicker my wrist as his neck snapped and made a fist as Bon and Damon moved and said levitating Kai "I'm gonna take him.". "He's not g-" Damon started and I said deadly calm "Try me. I dare you.". Damon was about to attack me when Bon sopped him by arm and said something in his ear and I walked as he stopped but still glared.

On the Road

Kai's still out and has magic dampening shackles around his wrist with Siphon proof and I suddenly hissed and folded my shirt to see an tattoo form on my upper arm. "Nice tattoo. Very Ancient time-y. hey why did you-" Kai started and I chanted "Ruiliyts". He was knocked out and I hit the break as the tattoo started to burn and I bit my hands trying to stop my screams, it gave an excruciating pain and fire all over my body while I muffed yelled and cried. What felt like an eternity of me biting my arms and feeling the pain but only 3 minutes, it stepped and I breathed heavy, I saw I drew lost of blood from my arm and there was bite marks in my arms. I wiped my tears and muttered "I'm cursed-Ahh" 

Empathy  ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now