Chapter 32

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Weeks later

Prof. Andrew's Classroom

I'm giggling while writing the test looking at Z, she has a light pink hair and blob cut. "If you don't stop laughing, I'll poke your eye out with this pen." She said twirling pen and without looking at me, and I said still smirking "You look very hot, Z.". I winked at her glaring face and she said tying her hair up "Shut up you psychopath. You know nothing about girls.". "Really, let me recall was it you or me that thought Laura was a sister to Tom, I mean it I don't think sibling will have a foursome with us.". "It was a genuine mistake!!.". "What was?" Robbie asked hearing our bickering. "Oh you se-" I started but she said covering my mouth with her hand "Nothing, Mr. Andrew's. Al's been feeling a bit off, cause he doesn't have a date to Bitter ball."

A guy turns around and said "The whole point if bitter ball is being single.". Others nodded and I looked at her raised bow while she said chuckling "Well-uh. You see-". I said pushing her hands away "We had foursome with other two couples and now she thinks it's gonna get awkward when we see them in the Bitter ball.". Everyone's face changed to disgust and a girl asked "Your both dating.". "God no!" We said and another girl asked "So you two not-couple had sex with another couple or were they also not dating?". "Oh they were definitely dating, in fact-" I started but Robbie cut me off "We don't care about your both sex life. Please for love of God just finish the test.". "Amen" Everyone said and we laughed.

The Bitter Ball

I'm dancing around with Z on my arms she's wearing a Culotte full black dress while I'm wearing a Black Tux. "Thank you for not waring my red button shirt to the ball.". I said and she said "Well, I am coming to a Ball might as well look nice to attract more sane one than Psychotics ones.". "You think I'm into you?". "Tom was looking at me while you were fucked by him, I'm pretty sure he's gonna leave Lauren for me.". "Well then you must have missed Lauren was also looking at you when you were sucking on her pussy, lovingly.". "Really?" She asked raised bow and I said "Really and I'm positive we're gonna have guest when we get home, it's been a week since we saw them.". "You know what, I think I wouldn't mind having an Orgy.". "Ohh I'm finally listening to your sexual fantasies, come-on tell me more."

We were rudely interrupted by Damon and he said "As much as I love where this conversation is going, I need you to teach a newbee witch a locator spell.". "I'm sure Bon's running around here with Jeremy, take her.". "Well she's recruiting the said newbee witch and I think you'll be better teacher to her than Bon-Bon.". "Wow. Damon Salvatore complementing me, I think it's a bitter Ball miracle. Anyway, let's go It's been too long since I've taught a witch.". We three came to backroom where Bon was setting up spell for the witch and Care was here and she asked "Why did you bring him?". "Something tells me he's better teacher than Bon-Bon here.". "He doesn't have his humanity what if he kill her just cause she couldn't do it.". "Well if she fails I'll do it for him. Let get started."

"So I'm gonna ask you a serious of question and your gonna answer me so I can get back to dancing and hearing my friend's sexual fantasies." I said while they set up the spell and she asked "Ok.Ok. What?". "Not the point, what spell you know.". "Nothing. I though I was just some freak and I could lift thing and put things on fire, a building and killed people.". "Great your powerful, ok so I want you to take deep breaths with me while I count to 10. You ready?". She nodded and Bon asked "What are you doing?". "She needs to be calm not this scared. What's your name again.". "Liv.". "Live. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.". She did as I said and was calm then asked "Now what?". "Since your powerful but still noob I'm gonna show you how to channel and just say the spell, like a formula from math's book. Ok?". "Ok" She nodded.

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