Chapter 12

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I cut the call to my guy as he set up a boat and swim suits for us, after we landed both of us were tired and by that I meant I was, so we booked a Motel and I slept while Kol went to feed and then god knows when returned and tried to wake me without coffee which resulted him getting throw into a wall as I am not a morning person, and a giant hole in the Motel's second floor. He went to compel the management while I got ready.

"I've taken care of the hole.." A voice came and I said turning at him and giving him a bunch of cloths and towel "Thank you and next time remember that, I'm not a morning person and coffee does the trick. Get ready while I get my precious coffee.". "I'll keep that in mind." He muttered and went while I went to nearest coffee store and got a cappuccino.

I came back to see an wet and shirtless Kol who just came out of shower and I shamelessly oozed over his bare chest his defined abs until his v-line, when he saw this and asked smirking "Like what you see Darling.". I wiped the saliva and said looking away as a blush crept on my cheeks "As much as I do like the show, we have places to be and Grimoires to find. Chop chop."

I waited in t he waiting room as he came back with our key card and I said taking the card "Took you long enough.". "Looking this hot, takes time love.". I rolled my eyes and gave the key card back and we went outside to get a Taxi while Kol asked "What's our first stop?.". "We're getting on a boat"

On the ocean

Me and Kol are on a motorboat as Richey is sailing it while I'm giving him direction from the compass and Kol asked "What's your element love?". "Water" I said and he hummed then said "Thought so. You are clever and introspective, self-contained and self-sufficient.". I chuckled and said "Let me guess you were fire?". "Ehh. I was air."

I asked looking at him in disbelief "Wait you were air?". "Is that so hard to believe?" He asked rolling his eyes and I yelled "Yes!!". He sputtered and said "I wasn't always this impulsive, ruthless and cruel.". "Of course not but it still shocks me how your air. They are supposed to be this friendly, witty, level headed and calm. Your everything but those expect witty, you are a sarcastic little shit.". He said with a toothy grin "Aww, it warms my heart how well you know me darling."

I was about to answer but the compass spinned non-stop and I said "Stop. We're here.". Richey did as I said without saying a word and Kol asked "Are we supposed to just jump in and hope the camber isn't too deep?". "That's why I ordered a A scuba set. Ricky help us getting in will ya.". He was unresponsive and Kol said "His name is Richard, little spitfire.". "I'm terrible at names just make him.".

We just git into the Scuba set and I said throwing him the compass "I'm gonna follow you. And by that cling to you, I have never scuba dived.". He caught it and said "Not surprised considering you are just 18.". I elbowed him and he fell backwards into the Ocean and said while he came back gasping "Its not my fault New Orleans didn't have any rivers Kol. Give me your hand.". I put the glasses and oxygen in my mouth while Kol said "Your a bossy little thing you know that.", I took his hand while he put the equipment on and we dived in.

I was awe-struck at the beautiful view in front of me, the sun shined into the waters making them look like little starts and many colorful fishes were roaming around us, I smiled in my mask and swam my way with Kol leading me our connected hands, I was distracted by the ocean that I didn't Kol stop and got bumped onto him back, our hands broke apart and I panicked and started to wiggle my body hoping to find my way back to him but instead I went deep.

Empathy  ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now