Chapter 3

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Next Day

Mystic Falls High

I surprisingly have a plan today to find bones of death witches and consecrate them then create a ancestor ground behind my house, where I have build a small house which I cloaked. "Hey" I turned to see Care and Tyler, yes I started to remember his name and said "Hey you two, where are you going?". "Tyler has a plan on how and where to turn wolf on tomorrow and I'm going to see it. you wanna tag along.". "I have to dig up dead witches bone's and consecrate them to create a ancestor ground.". "What's that?" Tyler asked and I said "I'm going to create a place to connect my magic to some ancestors so I have my power level back as it was cut off with my Exiled by my coven.". "She nodded while Tyler asked "Wait what?". "Care will explain and I'll probably run into you guys, as I'll be in the woods. Bye guys.". "Bye Al"


I had a shovel and a bag to carry the bones I find then took the map for the woods and put salt's around it and put my arms side ways and chanted "izpiritu oi izpiritu non daude behar bezala lurperatuak izateko ohorea lortu ez zutenak. izpiritu oi izpiritu non daude behar bezala lurperatuak izateko ohorea lortu ez zutenak. ". I opened my eyes to see possibly 100 dots in one place and more than 50 small ones scattered around the woods appear on the map and mused "I'm gonna scavenge the small ones, they will ignore the fact I was exiled.". I took the map and started to go for the first bones.

Forbes Residence

It's night time I got 20 full bones of witches and put hem on my cloaked house and now came here to ask about what they found. I just opened the door and went in while Care yelled "Mom?". "No your future husband Honey!" I yelled and came in Tyler with his laptop and Care asked arms crossed "Why did not knock?". "I would have but, I was just lazy. ". "So you just waltz in like you own the place." She asked and I said while sitting next to Tyler "Yes.". "Let's just start the tape ok?" Tyler said before Care could and I asked "What tape.". "My Uncle Mason taped his first transformation.". 

He was about to put it in and I said stopping his arm "It's not a good Idea Tyler. I had werewolf friends in New Orleans who said his the first transformation is quite slow, and the person is subjected to at least five or six hours of intense, bone-breaking pain before the actual transformation. After the first transformation, the experience does not last nearly as long, but it is still painful and something many werewolves come to dread. He said to not fight it let it happen and During the transformation, the body of the person is twisted in an unnatural manner as bones reshape and shift to form a wolf's skeleton, causing the person immense physical and psychological pain. Later, the werewolf grows excessive body hair and becomes feral. Their irises turn golden-yellow, their sclera turns black, and their teeth elongate into canines before they finally transform into their wolf shape. A werewolf returns to their human form after a few hours, sometimes sooner, sometimes later. After the first transformation, the werewolf will experience muscle aches."

They both had horrified faces and he asked "My Uncle Mason drank wolfsbane to weekend his wolf and chained himself up in is garage. That's what this video shows.". We saw it went on for hours and I said turning Tyler full towards my side "Ok, your not going to chain yourself, Jacky my friend always says it's faster and more easier if you did it with nature.". "What if I hurt someone, killed someone". 

"We'll find a place where locals will comes less and I'll put up a boundary spell so you can't go out or anyone can come in. I'll tie it to the moon so when t he sun rises me and Care will find you and bring you home.". "You don't want me to drink wolfsbane.". "It will burn your skin and what if drink it and rather than letting it happen you start to fight back, it'll become painful Tyler.". "I think you should do it" Care added and he walked around the room and said "I'll do it.". I smiled and said while standing up "I'll need Care's help to mark the location and we'll do it tomorrow. Bye guys.". "Bye Al"

Empathy  ~ Kai ParkerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz