Chapter 29

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Clair Residence

I'm cured up into my bed and just laying there not moving, it seems my depression has chosen a time to check and now, I'm feeling very down and nothing matters in the world. It's evening and Z just came back from College, "So, you wanna play Darksiders" Z asked wiggling my PS controller and I shook my head, she sat against me and asked "We could finish Max Payne 3? or play Street Fighter X Tekken?". "No" I mumbled and hugged myself, she asked taking off my blanket "Ok what's wrong?. You didn't attended any of classes today and now your not even tempted to play your favorite game. You ok?". "No. My depression came and now Anxiety is on it's way. So I'm gonna curl up into a ball of blank and wait for the word to eat me up. Goodbye."

"What can I do?" she asked her chin on the bed and I said "I don't know. I feel sad and hopeless and and alone.". I said siting up, she side hugged me and said "Oh honey, your not alone. You have me.". "B-ut what if you die cause you met me and got roped into this supernatural drama.". "If I am in danger you'll save me. I know that, now talk to me why do you feel sad? You were fine yesterday.". "You remember how I told you I was an Empath?". "Yeah". "In my early witchy days I couldn't do tradition magic as you knew." She nodded sitting facing towards me and I continued 

"Obviously my 'mother' didn't take it well and well verbally abused me called me disgrace to the Clair name and how weak and pathetic I was, cause in witch's Traditional magic is the easiest and purest for of magic. And when I did used it correctly and more powerful she didn't even appreciate it, she just said 'You could have done better' ". "That bitch." She said and I said smiling weakly "Yeah I worked very hard to do magic and when my little sister was uh 7 I accidentally manipulated her emotions and made her scared of 'mother', cause at that time I was scared of her and my new found Empath powers of reading people's emotions so easily. It was like breathing for me"

I took a shaky breath and said while she squeezed my "And me being naïve 9 year old I was I told her about how I could have affected Davina, she wanted me to use them on her and I did. I showed her my fear of her, now you may ask why didn't I chose something like happy or something but mostly in my life I've experienced only haltered and pity and only happier I got was from me and my sister playing, fooling around. So when she experienced that we went to a witch Sabine and she told her to help me in my 'condition'". "Wait. She though you were Ill or something.". 

I laughed humorlessly and said "Oh she really thought that I was an monstrosity when I could read emotions to any being but she got angry when I read vampires and changed them. She called me an monstrosity, freak, abomination and the funny part was she made Sabine give her some herbs to mute my powers when even Sabine said what I had was a gift. Those herbs made my head fuzzy and I sometimes get nosebleed at easiest spells, so I stopped it and hid away my power." She was silent the asked "Did this trigger when you finally said out loud that you were an Empath not an freak you 'mother' said you were?". 

I nodded with teary eyes, she hugged me and said while I sobbed "You are not an freak, monstrosity or abomination. You are Altair Axton an fully functioning Good-ish vampire who is a Genius at hacking. Now, I know depression is not gonna get cured by a little speech or by you telling me this but if you ever feel alone remember that you are not alone, you are loved by me, Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, Marcel, Klaus, Kol and your little sister Davina. Always remember that, I'm here if you ever feel down. Ok." I nodded against her chest. After few minutes she asked "You want a tub full of chocolate ice cream with blood poured all over it?". "That sounds good." I said breaking apart from the hug and she said smiling "I'll be back", I smiled back as she went.

We're watching a horror movie much to my displeasure and suddenly my phone ring and I saw it was from Marcel. "Would look at that. My legal guardian has stopped avoiding me, is Vina there or do I need to wait for next 3 months to hear her voice.". He said broken voice "She's dead.". "What?" I asked in whisper and he said sobbing "She was dying, the power of four witches inside her was overwhelming, but doing The Harvest should have saved her but it didn't. She's dead Altair.". "Oh my god. Why would you let herself be sacrificed if you are the one who saved her in the first place!!" I yelled sobbing and he yelled "Because she was going to die anyway and this way she would at least h-have a chance!". "I'll see you in New Orleans" I said and hung up.

Empathy  ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now