Chapter 24

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3 Days later

Prof. Andrew's Classroom

I'm running a background check to the guy Stefan killed, I got the name of the guy Stefan killed from Liz 2 days ago and I just got back the list of all he places he own, banks, insurances and all his shit. "Is that your next vampire prey?" Z whisper asked leaning towards me cause Robbie is teaching class, I told everything to her about me and my friend much to their displeasure. What can I say, I like and trust her. But she's compelled not to tell any secrets to anyone and she has came terms with it on her own and super cool with it. "Nope." I simply said  and went back to going through my research she again asked "You gonna elaborate that sentence?"

"I though your not getting involved in vamp business. A.K.A moi". "Your my friend, I'm obligated to get into your business. So spill.". I sighs and said turning my laptop "There was a throat ripped out body instead of Stefan in the Safe.". "Where his evil Doppelganger put him.". "Yep and I just got the guy's name, Cam Peterson. I'm looking for anyplace where he could tried to take Stefan before you know.". "So, your currenting looking into his whole life in the middle of class.". I looked up from my laptop to see Robbie looking at us in narrowed eyes and said "And got caught." We smiled and said waving our and "Hey, Robbie.". He pointed at the door and yelled "Get out. Now!!"


Me and Z are in the Library and she said "Here, a cabin in the woods. Great place to hide a hunger vampire right.". I looked at it and asked "Worth checking out as I couldn't find any other place he would have been taken.". "Great, you drive. Let's go." I grabbed her arms and asked "This is dangerous, you know that right?". "Yeah, you gave me supernatural 101, remember. I drink vervain everyday.". "Fine, just let me tell Damon as we're possibly found his brother." She nodded and I called him.

"Edward Lyle, to what do I own this pleasure.." Was what he called me and I said "The Enemy of the State. God you really are a movie geek.". "Get to the point.". "We found a potential place where you brother could be.". Z said and he asked "Is that your little human friend, who knew how to use a shotgun.". "Yes." We said and she continued "The name's Zari.". "Good to know, and I assume you two nerds are going to check it out.". "Yep.". "Fine, call me if you find him, we've also got a lead and now leaving". He cut the call and I said "Let's go."

Cabin in the woods

We both came to the Cabin and I asked "This is it.". She nodded and took a gun while I asked "How do you always have a gun.". "I don't always have it, just when I'm around your friends.". She shrugged and said "Fair enough.". We walked to the entrance and she did some hand movements while leaning against the wall, I rolled my eyes and opened the door while asking "Stefan, you there!!". "Altair" He said standing p from a couch and a women asked "Altair Axton." I tilted my head and asked "Do I know you?". "No you don't but your about to." She said and waved her hand forwards while me and Z came and sat on the sofa and Z said "Your a witch."

"Who's she?" Stefan asked and I said "My friend Zari. Human, how did you escape from the Safe?". "He didn't, I pulled him out the quarry and made the former owner of this cabin to bring him here, who he killed him." The witch said and I asked "Why?". "Because he's Silas's doppelganger.". "What!" I yelled and Stefan said "Yeah, I'm still wrapping my head around it. I'm going to kill him.". "How are not burning to dead by the sun?" 

"I put a daylight spell around the cabin." The witch said and I was about to question but she said "It's a secret, Altair. Silas wasn't always a monster.  He used to be a simple man in love with a simple girl...his soul mate. She was his one true love. Heh. You know how that goes. They thought their love would last forever.". Z asked "How do you know all of this?". Witch said "Because I was there, in his arms.". Stefan asked "You're telling me that you were Silas' one true love?". "I would have done anything for him.". "That's impossible. How are you here right now?". "Love bends the rules of possible.  Silas and I were the two most powerful members of a gifted people called Travelers. When we were engaged to be married, we decided to reach even further.  We wanted to find a way for our love to last forever.".

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