Chapter 27

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Cabin in the Woods

I groaned and woke up from the floor to hear Tessa say "You know that old, ancient story I told you about the Travelers? Oh, wait. You don't. I fried your brain and took your memories. Sorry. Well, the Travelers.. You know how Silas wants to destroy the other side, so he can be at peace with that slut Amara that he calls his one true love? The Travelers don't want that.". I stood up and went to make some Coffee while Stefan asked "Why not?". "Not important. Scratch that. Very important. I'm just not going to answer it.". She tries to take away the tequila but Stefan says " Um, you know what? I...think I still need to be drunk to understand this story."

"The travelers have been in possession of the anchor for two thousand years. They constantly move it so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands and they're not going to let him get near it. At least not before I kill him.". "Yeah? Well, what if they fail?". "He won't destroy it. He won't be able to.". "Why not?". "Let's just file that under the 'not gonna answer it' category.". I sipped onto my Coffee and asked "Why are you telling him that now?". "Cause I'm on my way to kill my ex-fiancé, who look like him.". "How? He's Immortal.". "No, he's not. He's a witch again and on his way to destroy the anchor to the other side."

I sputtered on my Coffee and asked "Oh my god is Kat ok?". "Kathrine, Don't know. Don't care.". I put my Coffee down and put Z on the Bed and vamp sped to the door but was struck by an invisible forcefield and asked "Tessa, why is there an boundary spell around your Cabin?". She came and said hitting the force-filed "That Bastard.". "Silas. I hate my distant ancestor.". "Get in line." She said and went, I sat on the other side and Stefan said "I'm gonna take a shower, I stink."

He went an I asked "Hey what about Xnios Grimoire, did you open it.". "Not yet but now that you've reminded me." She took a knife and said "Bleed for me." I cut my palm and asked "You have Silas's blood?". "Snatched it while putting my hands no his cruel heart.". She poured Silas's blood on top of Grimoire and I put mine on it's top and she chanted putting her hands above it "bats'ir ayn, k'ani vor yes avartets'i yerku aryunakits'neri pahanjy". An clicking sound head and she opened the Grimoire and said "Ohh it been Millennium's since I've seen this one.". I tried to take it but she said moving away "Not till I tear that spell off.". 

I rolled my eyes and said "Fine.". She flipped to pages and said "Gotcha.". Then snapped her fingers as an page went up to flames and I asked "Can I?". "Have at it.". I took it and went through every single spell in fascination and asked looking at one of the spell to Tessa when she hung up Stefan's phone "What's this ruin means?". "Hmm considering it's in Khmer I would say..... Moon at it's peak. It's an power bosting spell.". "Wow." I head a groan to see Z wake up and said closing the Grimoire "And she's awake. You have something for hangover?". "Lucky for you I do.". She went while I took Z's head into my lap and said in gentle tone "You wanna wake up?"

"No" She mumbled and I asked "Is you head throbbing?". "Yep.". I was going to say something but  was cut off by a bark, me and Tessa shared a look and I asked "My little Z. Did you bring Coco here?". "She's in the Car." I stood up and asked "What?!"."Ow." I went outside and whistled standing into the door, soon Coco jumped out of the Car's half opened window and spirted towards me and I asked while petting her "Why did you bring her Z?". "First of all Rude. Second of all, she was all alone in that big house and had really beautiful puppy eyes, I couldn't resister. So I brought her here.". "Well did you happen to consider that bambi muncher here who only eats animal and our Coco here happens to be one."

I sated next to Z while she drank something disgusting given by Tessa and Z said "In my defense I didn't knew he was here.". Suddenly the door knocked and Tessa opened with a smirk and said "Well, if it isn't Stefan's fated love.". We mouthed 'Elena?' just as her voice came "Where is he?". "Come on in. Who am I to stand in the way of destiny?". We said "NO!" but Elena already came in and she asked "What are you both doing here?". Before we could answer Stefan came and he said "Elena. You shouldn't have walked through that door.". " I'm really sorry. I wouldn't have let Damon do what he did to you.".

Empathy  ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now