Chapter 4 (R)

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Forbes Residence

After I dig up witches bones from the tomb while also having fun time with Kat and came slept in, now I'm making my way to Care cause she asked me to come and that she will introduce me to Jenny who is the last person knew my father. "Hey Tyler, what are you doing here?" I asked while seeing them both on the driveway and he said "Good your here too. Then tell me did my Uncle Mason killed by Stefan and Damon.". "Who told you that?" Care asked and he asked "Is it true?". I said coming in the middle "Let us explain.". "Did you know he was dead this whole time?" He aske and we pleaded " Please.". "Did you know?!". We nodded and he pushed me against the car while me and Care yelled "We're sorry, Tyler. We're sorry.". "I trusted you!" He then composed himself and went and I asked "What are we gonna do?". "We're gonna call Stefan."

We let Steven in and he asked "What's wrong?". Care said "Tyler knows about you and Damon. He knows that Damon killed Mason. We didn't say a word.". " It's that woman, Jules. She had a run-in with Damon.". I said" Tyler was so upset. The look on his face, he was so betrayed.". "Wow, this is bad.". Care asked" You're not gonna tell Damon, are you?". "No! He already wants to kill him. He thinks all werewolves should die, and he's not wrong to think that, Caroline, Altair. I mean, what if Tyler tries to retaliate? He has every right to. He could get himself killed.". I said "Well, we're not gonna let that happen. We have to get to him and reason with him before he does something stupid.". Care said "You have to talk to him. Just try to explain, you know? You always know the right things to say, okay? He and I". Me and Care saw each other an said "We're friends.". He seems convinced by it and went while Care and me went to the Grill.

Mystic Grill

We both came in and Care went to table with Alonzo and said to the women "Hey Jenna, Ric.". "Caroline, hey." They booth said and she said "This is my friend Altair.". "Hey" They said and I said "Hey" and she continued "Do you remember your high school classmate Hadrian Axton.". "Rian .Yeah he and I were friends well until he deicide to move to New Orleans, Why.". I Said "Well Jenny, I'm Altair Axton and Hadrian Axton is my father.". She was shocked a happy shock and asked "Oh, how is that jerk anyway. He was back in town and didn't even visit me.". "Well he died in a car crash 13 years ago.". "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't hav-" I cut her off "It's fine, I was 5 when it happened.". "Still, I'm so sorry, It was insensitive of me.". "It's fine Jenny and I came here to well get a fresh start and know about him, how was he like as a teenager and when did you guys met. Even get a photo or two if you have.".

"My name is Jenna and your like your father, he forgets other people's name fast." She said and I asked smiling "Did he also like to sketch and has a impeccable humor and a huge ego." She laughed and said "Now that I think about it he did had a huge ego." That's how I spent my afternoon with Jenny , she told me a lot about him how I have his forest green eyes and slightly brown blond hair. We were so distracted that I forgot it late and saw Care leaving and said "It's late and I have homework. It was nice meeting you Judy.". She laughed and said "It's Jenna and you too Altair.". I smiled and went after Care. "Hey can you give me a ride home?". "Sure" She said and we went to her car.

we went and she unlocked her car just when I was about to step in we heard a voice "Excuse me, Caroline and Altair right?". We said "Yeah.". I'm looking for Tyler. You both haven't seen him, have you?". Care said "No, not since earlier. Sorry.". "Me neither.". We opened the door o get in while she-wolf said " I know you're both lying.". I leaned onto the car while Care asked" Really? How? Is that one of your little wolf tricks?". "Actually, it is.". We closed the door and Care said while I was ready to magic her "Well, I have a-" then everything went black.

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