Chapter 41

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On The Road

Me, Z, Lexi and Kai are on the way to New Orleans, he surprisingly just came and still silent. "Are you sure it's my baby?" Kai asked interrupting our conversation and Z said "Yeah, your the only one I had sex with in last 2 months or so other than Lexi who is well an vampire and women.". "And you still kept the baby? Knowing who I am". "If you mean how many people you killed as who I am then yes. And I don't appreciate abortion, so.". "So you don't mind having a Sociopath's baby?". "It's not a Sociopath's baby, it's my baby and can be our baby. Now shut up, you were very tolerable when you were silent.". "Rude." He said and we laughed then I asked "What was Vina up to when you last saw her?"

"Oh you know making a golden dagger with Kol to use against Klaus. The usual." Lexi said and I asked "With Kol? As in he teaching the spell. Right?". "No, he did it with her. Sorry we forgot to tell you Kol was resurrected by Ester in a witch boy named Kaleb-". "No he was not." I quickly said and Z asked "What do you mean by that?". "It mean I resurrected  him before the Other side went, in his Original Vampire body. Wait who told you I was dead?". "Bonnie. If you resurrected him why was he in witch's body?". "I don't know. You got a map." I asked and Lexi gave one while I asked Z "Klaus's blood?". "Lexi?". "I got it." She said while Kai asked "What are you doing?"

I set up the map on my lap and said "Locator spell, Kol's Original body can't be kill.". "Corfuqye, xadvad. Corfuqye, xadvad. " I chanted while pouring Klaus' blood but it didn't move and Z asked "It means he's dead right?". "Or cloaked" Me and Kai said, I said to Z "Z stop the Car, for a few minutes.". "I was gonna go for a bathroom break anyway." She said as stopping outside an gas station. She and Lexi went while me and Kai stood in front of the Hood and he asked "So..". "So nothing, give me your hands and repeat after me." I said giving him one and having Klaus's blood on another, he asked joining our hands "You think I'm cut out to be a father."

I said doing the spell trying to vision "Doesn't matter what I think-". "It matters to me" He quickly said and I said turning to him "If you want my honest opinion, your not.". "Brutal honesty." He said chuckling and I said "And from what I've seen no one is, but you can be if you want to be a type of father that would do anything for his child love her or him the moment they born or you can be a type of father Joshua was to you. It's your choice.". I turned and was about to chant but he asked "So you think I can change?". "For the baby, yes.". I said and he said "For you.". I looked at him as I didn't get the vision and chanted still looking him in the eyes

"doceam quid petam quod huic connexum est. doceam quid petam quod huic connexum est" He followed after me not breaking eye contact as we got into a vision of Kol's body desiccated in a place, I never thought he would be stored and gasped coming out of the virion. "Do you where is it?" Kai asked as Z and Lexi came and I asked to Z "Did you really had to bury me there?". "Your an New Orleans witch, Davina and Marcel insisted on me burying your body there.". "Great and now Kol's body is buried underground Clair tombstone, it's be fucking hard to ask the regent permission to open it. How did he even put it there?". "Where?!" Kai and Lexi asked and I said "I'll explain on the Car, let's go."

New Orleans


It was night time as we came and Kai decided to tag along with me while Z and Lexi set up at the house. "Are you going to tell me what are we doing here or...?" Kai asked but I ignored him and chanted closing my hands "mutaqs" an water falcon formed and I snapped my fingers as it started to go after my sister while Kai said "So your just gonna ignore me?". I came to where Vina was sitting on the and asked "Who died and made you the regent?". "Al?" She asked and I said shrugging "Yep your super awesome brother who came back from the dead. Again like I think 2nd or 3rd time.". She laughed and hugged me while asking "I think it's our sibling thing die and came back.". 

Empathy  ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now