Chapter 22

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I groggily opened my eyes and already missing the heat radiated from Kol also his snores when we slept after 5 round of Sex. I stood up with a cloth around my waist and saw an pair of jeans. I put them on and came out to see Elena, Jeremy and Ric eating around the Crypts. They stopped and looked at me while I asked coming toward them " Good morning.". " What do you want?" Jeremy questioned defensive and I said munching a fries from Elena's "I see your still pissed that I killed you.". " What do you think?" Elena asked slapping my hands from taking the fries.

" First of all you both killed my boyfriend first and I hold grudges very long. Very long.". I vamp sped and took the fries from Elena and continued " Second of all you came back, I promise I'm not gonna kill you again and now would any of you know where my said boyfriend is?". " We don't." Ric said and I asked " Then who put these dress for me inside?". Elena cleared her throat and said " I did. We were planning on sitting there but. You know.". "Ah. Sorry about that, he tore off my cloths literally. He's an animal but super f-" They interrupted "No!!"

" We don't wanna know ." Jeremy said and I shrugged " Fine, I'll find him before he disappear. Shit, I promise Care I'll help her setting up graduation. What time is it?". " 10 A.M" Elena said and I said throwing her fries back " I'm gonna go, Thanks for the fires. Bye."

Clair Residence

I came and showered, drank a blood bag and was about to go when someone knocked the door. I opened to see Eli and I asked hugging him " Eli!!!. You came.". " I couldn't say no to your... very graphical invitation.". He said, I threated him and Klaus in very my unique words. I giggled and asked " Where's Klaus.". " Fashionably later. As always.". " Well, I'm glad your here first. Let's pick up Bex who's in.... A Parking lot?" I asked as I looked at Bex's current location and Eli asked " In a parking lot?". I nodded and said " Let's go shall we."

A Parking Lot

We both came to hear Bex yell " Run!!". We quickly vamp sped to see Bex in a explosive device and Eli asked " Sister.". " Elijah.". A ancient clothed guy came out and asked " Elijah?". " Alexander?". " What the hell is going on?" I asked, Bex and Eli nodded at each other and in a matter of seconds I was sped away just as an expulsion occurred and I asked to Bex " What the hell?". " How did Elijah came here?". " I told you I invited both your brothers. Now why did the parking lot just exploded ". " I'll explain on the way." Bex said as we went to the car.

Mystic Falls High

We came to stop and I asked " So, the first hunter of the five or more like 7th who is also your ex tried to kill you and Matt and just as you sent Matt to save himself we came. Elijah got that your in trouble so he took your place so you could attended your Graduation.". " Pretty much." She said as we got out and I shrugged " Well lucky you. I'm gonna get changed, see you at the stadium.". " See you." We went to our separate ways.

I jogged to Care and Bon just as Matt came and said " Sorry I'm late had to save Bex and all that.". " Rebekah is alright?" Matt asked and I nodded then Bon asked " Where's Elena? We can't do this without her.". Just then she came jogging to us with Stefan " I'm here.". She hugged Bon and said " Thank you for today.". Care said looking at us all " I can't believe it. We're actually all here. We are all here together!". I asked seeing Bon " Bon Bon, are you crying?".

She laughs and said " It's our last hurrah before you guys go off to college.". Care corrected "Before we go off to college.". Elena said " I...kinda sorta missed the deadline. You know, being an emotionless bitch.". Care said " Well, the perks of being a vampire – we can go wherever we wanna go. We can choose our own roommates. We could – we could get a triple room!". I added " I'll get a single Dorm across yours!". We high-fived then Bon said " I'm happy we're all here. ". Care said " Aw – group hug!". Stefan said " Ah, I don't – I don't hu-". I cut him off " Oh, get over yourself."

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