Chapter 7

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2 Days Later

Mikaelson Mansion

After I temporary killed Kevin, I took a car to Mystic Falls which took me roughly 2 Days and got home late last night, and in the morning when I was on my way to school I got drugged and kidnapped. I was slapped awake and looked around to see I was in some kind of construction site and asked "Where the hell am I?". "In my place." I heard the annoying voice of the Hybrid, I turned to see him and he said with a smirk "Hello love.". "You. Why the hell were you stabbed yesterday!!". I yelled at him ad he asked "How do you know that?". "Cause I was also stabbed.". "Why would you be stabbed if I were to be stabbed?" He asked in confusion and I said "Cause I did a linking spell.". "Why!!". "So you wouldn't kill me the second you find me!!". I yelled and he said chuckling "Clever aren't you.". "I know.". "Peluskru"

I chanted as the ropes broke and said while walking to him while he stopped the Hybrids who tried to attack me with a look "I know you from Kat and stories, when someone hits you, you hit back hard even if you were the one who started it. This is my insurance that you wouldn't get revenge for my revenge, which was totally legitimate considering your the one who killed me first.". "You were just an obstacle on my way of breaking my curse, you had to be eliminated. No hard feelings.". "No I was potentially on your way of breaking your curse, you don't leave anything to chances so you sent witches and vampires to kill me. You killed me I temporarily killed you, let bygones be bygones. I just want to finish school, go to collage, find whatever my dream job is and fall in love. In one word I want to live my life to the fullest and I don't want to make an enemy out of the MIkaeson's." I put my arm sideways as my bag magically came and I said while swinging it into my shoulders "I hope you understand that. Goodbye Kevin.", I smiled one last at his face and went.

Mystic Falls High

As I came into school corridors I saw I was late obviously, damn Kevin, so I ran to my locker and took my books out just as bell rang and I sighed, let my magic loose to find my blond bombshell and went. "Care-Bear" I said to the women who came out of her chemistry class, she saw me wide-eyed and I expected an hug but she dragged me inside the class and locked the door and asked "Are you a ghost from the other side, I though we closed it.". "Not a ghost Care, I resurrected myself 2 days ago.". "So your real, like flesh and bones real". " Yep". She hugged me while I laughed and asked "I missed you, Care and cannot believe you got together with Tyler". "Wait. How do you know that?". We walked out of the class while I said "I had nothing better to do than stalk you people and find a way to comeback."

"Then why didn't you came when the veil was lowered.". "It was. That explains why I could touch the object 2 days ago. There was this witch who wanted power so she sacrificed 4 kids for it but I though she will do the spell first then the sacrifice but turns out she already killed them and did the altered spell which thanks to you all, resulting in her dying and me getting resurrected with the magic of 4 young witches.". "You can't resurrect them?". "I checked the site where she held the kids and found out ashes which means she already burned their bodies and my body which is harboring 4 young witches magic, has started slowly disintegrating as it can't take this much magic, I need a way to either store it in some talisman or create a dark object like my necklace or give it back to nature. Which bring me to next question do you have my necklaces.". "You have another one. Wait was this the one you created when you went out of town for a day". I nodded and she said "Well I only have one of them, your fathers.". "Great, now I need to find the other one.". Bell rang signaling next class and she said "Your still technically missing. After school let's go and talk to my Mom. Bye Al.". "Bye Care"

Mikaelson Mansion

"Kevin!!" I yelled while coming into the construction site I was abducted, after I got my necklace and we saw Sherriff Forbes and then I'm now here with the drawing of my dark object to ask Kevin as his minions were the ones who killed me. "It's Klaus. What are you doing here?" I tuned to see him in the hallway and I asked giving him my drawing "Do you have it. It's my necklace.". "Why do you presume I'm in possession of this necklace?". "Cause it got lost, it's supposed to be at my ashes after I killed your minions but it was not. So your other minions should have taken it when they found their fellow minions dead body. I would like to have it back please.". He chuckled and said while giving me the drawing "Tell you what. Break the linking spell maybe I'll give you.".

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