Chapter 39

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Parker Residence

Portland, Oregon

I gasped awake as my last protection spell saved me and saw it was still evening and winced to see knife on my thigh with a note 'Thanks for playing doctor.❤'. I crippled the paper and threw it while muttering "Yeah you have a great way of showing it.". I contemplate on pulling the knife so, I teared a long piece of cloth and took a breath while saying "Here goes nothing." I pulled the knife in one swift motion and yelling "Fuck, Shit, Fuck, Shit." I quickly stopped the blood flow by tying the cloth then sighed as the blood stopped and looked around to see the Car gone and slowly dragged Bon's unconscious body and put it on the porch. Then went inside and took a lighter and said "I hate needles, so you have to do for now.".

I took the cloth and burned the wound while curing and yelling in agony, soon I saw the blood stopped and Bon rushed in asked "Oh my god, Altair!". "Hello there, oh this is nothing. I stopped the bleeding and now I just need a banged. Do you mind.". she quickly took the first aid kit and asked "Why didn't you sew them.". "I hate needles.". Took a shaky breath while Bon gave me Bottle of Bourbon and said "This might help.". I nodded smiling and took a sip then put the bandage around the thigh as Bon said "That bastard left us.". "We need to treat you wound and you need to go after him, you could maybe catch up before the Eclipse."

"What no I'm not leaving you alone. NO!". "Bon, I can't move, I'm gonna be slumped here for a day or two before moving, I think he cut an nerve or something. You can't carry me.". "No it's not an option Altair!!". "What did I say about being an Martyr, Go!. If you get out and get your magic back, you could come back and save me. I believe in you." I said as I finished patching her wound, she hesitated "But-". "If you didn't make it, page me from '777-TOODLES-Al'.". She chuckled and asked "When did you get a pager?". "Me and Lexi got one to message each other landmark if one of us ever get lost. Now go.". She nodded and went after hugging me. I dragged myself to sit on the porch and let sleep consume as the painkillers kicked in.

Next Day

I'm drinking onto Coffee I made sitting in the Docks near the house it's eerily quite which I absolutely hate. I have my legs on the water and Pager nearby if Bon pages me. Suddenly there was a beep and I saw an phone number, think it was Bon not making it to home, I dragged myself to house and dialed the number. "ARE YOU AN ABSOLOUTE IDIOT!!" was what I head when the call answered and I immediately recognized it as Lexi and said "LEXI!!. What what do you mean I'm an Idiot?". "What I said, why didn't you come with Bonnie. Me, Damon and Elena came to rescue you both!"

I chuckled and said sitting down crying "I really do have shitty luck, don't I?". "She's an hour away, couldn't you at least slumped with her and just got into the Car so we could have taken you both home.". "I'm sorry, I though if she left early she caught up to Angel and somehow hitch a ride home. My right leg is like totally dead and Bon was stabbed again so she doesn't have lot of strength to carry me.". "I know.". "Did you met Lee? Is he sill undead or dead?". She chuckled  and said "Your missing ticket out of this shithole and your asking about my love life?". "Distract me, It's so quiet and I don't like it."

We've been talking for some time and she told me how Stefan was shocked to see her alive and he wasted to thank me for not letting her do the noble thing, turns out Kol did move my sister. I'm happy for them and if he hurts her I'll kill him, Z's on a company doing internship, I told her not tell about me being alive for now. "Altair" Bon said into the phone and I said "You made it.". "I made it." We chuckled and I said "Please come back to get me out.". "I p-" She was cut off and I asked "Bon. Bon. Bonnie!!". I cut the call and sighed a small teary smiled curled up on my lips that there she is ok.

Empathy  ~ Kai ParkerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt