Chapter 9

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Mystic Falls Hospital

"For the last time. I don't want a therapist I want COFFEE!!!" I yelled at Matilda Fell for the 10th time today, after I woke up from my sleep and saw I was in a hospital. This woman came and said someone called ambulance at my house and they found me, here I am. "Stop yelling. This is an hospital" She said in a calm tone and I sighs slumped on my bed and asked "Can I please get a cup of Coffee, if I don't I'll get more cranky and start to yell at all the staffs, you don't want that. I say mean stuffs when I'm not getting my morning coffee every day.". She sigs sat on the chair next to my bed and said "I get it, I also get mad at my staff if I'm not caffeinated enough to deal with all this stuff.". "So why are you not giving me a cup of coffee?".

"Cause your not accepting a therapist to whom you can opened up and tell all your problems like the self-harm.". I folded my arms and said "You know if I was your typical self-harming patient I would yell at you for bringing it up.". "But...?". "I'm not you wanna know my problems, I had been abuse for 6 years from 11 by my 'ex-boyfriend' who made me feel like I'm a worthless piece of shit and then when I moved here I was raped by two guys like 10 months ago. I'm over it but the memories triggers by seeing or hearing the person responsible or related to that, I cut myself to get a relief even if it's only for few moments."

"You shouldn't live like that.". "Life's not all rainbows and unicorn Matilda. It's a cruel world out there and there are many people like me who are abuse and raped but I'm getting better, you wanna know my secret." She nodded and I said smiling "Be happy, smile and laugh at the small things. Have at least one good friend you can always count on, don't let the bad things happened to you stops you from living your life to the fullest. People like me neither turns good or bad after seeing the world's reality, we live in a grey area where you can find the most broken people and help fix them especially if this so called 'good people' cast them aside."

She smiled stood up and said taking out her clip pad "Your a wise kid of your age.". " I try". "You can leave whenever you want and it's Meredith.". A voice said "He's really bad at names". We turned to see Care and I said "Care-Bare. What are you doing here?". She smiled and sat next to me and said "I came here to discharge my Dad". "An animal attack.". "Really". "Yes really, a wolf attacked him.". I paused and asked "Tyler turned on his will?". "How did you..?". "Not hard to piece together, I saw Tyler at your house when you were leaving, he is Sired to Klaus and your trying a way to break it for which he need to turn on his will and he got your Dad's help. Now I know why he needed my help, he wanted me to put up a boundary spell."

"Your a witch" Asked Malia and I asked Care "She knows about Supernatural?". "She's dating Alaric.". "Oh well yeah I'm a witch. Drop me off at my house?". "Sure. I'll go see my Dad." They went and I changed from hospital gowns to my cleaned cloths and put on my necklace, Dark magic one and ring Klaus gave me and went to see Ella and Care then said "Hey Ella.". "Al. What are you doing here?". "Long story. Hey where's your Dad?". "They said he was already dish-" She went silent and Ella asked "What?". "I hear it". "Hear what.". "My Dad's phone".

We went into medical supply room and followed after Care then turned to see a dead body and me and Care went to it while Care yelled "Don't be dead, don't be dead, don't be dead! Oh my god!". I pulled out the knife and threw it while Care yelled "Daddy. Daddy!!". Ella said "Caroline. He has vampire blood in his system.". "What?" We ask and just then He wakes up. We took him to a separate room while Ella went to call Sherriff while Care went to compel a nurse and I went to get a cup of Coffee. I came back to see Care's Dad get out of the room and asked Care who came out "What happened?". "He's not completing the transition.". "What? Why not?". "He believes being a vampire is wrong and no one should cheat death, he hate them. He hates me.". Ella said "No he doesn't.". "Yeah, he's your Dad. He loves you.". I added and she said "Let's just go.".

Empathy  ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now