Chapter 19

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Shane's Office

 Me, Klaus, Stefan and Car just broke into Shane's Office and I asked "What are we even looking for?". We all started to search while Stefan said " Well, if Shane really was working with Silas, chances are he was helping him plan his next move.". Care asked going through shelfs " Where, on his evil villain to-do list? 'Steal blood, perform 3 massacres, pick up dry cleaning'?". Klaus said facing her "Actually, not to nit-pick, but we evil villains usually use minions to pick up our dry cleaning, that sort of thing.". Care askes Stefan "Why is he necessary again?".

" Well, we don't know what Silas can do, so if we do have to go head to head with him, an Original hybrid who can't die might come in handy.". Klaus said " Besides, Stefan and I work well together, or at least we did in the twenties.". hey continued the chatting while I found a story of Silas, I was pulled out of it y Care's voice "I think I found something.". We came to the desk where she put a book and said " 'Symbolic Figures in the Dark Arts.' Didn't Bonnie talk about Expression Triangles? Here.". 

We saw a triangle and she said " 'In some schools of magic such as Expression, human sacrifice can be used as a focus for power. It is rumored that the addition of two supernatural sacrifices compounds the mystical energy, creating an Expression Triangle.'. ". She points at one symbol and said " Humans-- that was the council fire.". I pointed at other Symbol and said "Demons-- Klaus' hybrid massacre.". " What's the third?". I studied the Symbol and said while Care said clasping her hands to her mouth "Witches/ Oh, no."

Stefan went to call someone while Care took a Map and said while drawing "There've been two massacres. Pastor Young's farm is here, and the old Lockwood cellar, where you spitefully slaughtered 12 of your own hybrids, is here.". A line came connecting two dots and I said " According to the book, the Expression Triangle is equilateral. So.". She drew a triangle and said "Here.".  Klaus said " Somebody's been skipping their geometry classes.". Klaus took the pen and made another Triangle while saying "There are actually two places where the third massacre could be.". " Well, you didn't let me finish.".

They continue to look each other and I said "The sexual tension between you two is suffocating me.". They both glared at me then Stefan came and I asked "Thank god. Did you find Bonnie?". " No, but I talked to her dad. I think I found Silas."


We four decided to split up, I'm with Stefan. We found the witches, I put my hands on Stefan's chest and said "Don't. It's an Expression-Cleansing Spell, it'll cause a lot of pain but could cleanse her.". "She's dying there Altair. I need to help her.". Then vamp sped while I muttered "Bloody hell.". He again came out yelling in while Klaus and Care came and I said "You shouldn't have mentioned Silas.". " They're linked. Bonnie's gonna kill them.". Klaus said "Not if the witches kill her first.". Stefan tries to go but Klaus slams him against a tree and Caroline said "Klaus, we need to save her."

"How? The only way to stop the witches is to kill them, and then Silas gets what he wants.". The women in the middle holds a dagger and was about to plunged into Bon but Care vamp sped and killed the woman while we yelled " No!". The Witches forming the circle begin to drop dead and the torches' flames burn out. I vamp sped to see Bon's eyes white and she said" The triangle is complete." then fainted, I saw an hit on my phone on possible location of Kat and went.

Salvatore Boarding House

I came and took my Laptop to see no exact location of the number. Then I saw the three town names Damascus, Willoughby and Coeburn where calls came from over 2 moths to Eli, I took my laptop and some snacks, and vamp sped to steal a Car and go to Damascus as my first stop and compel the police to show me the security camera of grocery stores of when the call came to see if she really was there. 

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