Chapter 35

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On the Road

"You want me to call the one person who's Mother you all killed and ask if she knows the spell to overwhelm you, so you could bring back people who died from the Other side.?" I asked into the call, turns out the Travelers did the spell and now there's an Anti-magic barrier on Mystic Falls but it stopped cause Stefan died killed by Tyler who was possessed by a guy named Julian. "I know it sound bad but can you please try? It's our other chance if Enzo's plan fail." Bon asked and I said "I'll call her. Bye Bon.". "Bye Al.". I cut the call and dialed Nadia while Z asked "Do you think she'll help?". "No, cause I'm like 90% sure she doesn't know the spell."

"Hello, Altair" Nadia answer and I asked "Nadia, quick question do you happen to know a spell casted by Travelers which could overwhelm the Anchor so the dead people could comeback to life". "I might have heard of it and could find it.". "Your could and might is very reassuring Nadia.". "Who are you trying to bring back from the other side?". "Uh well it's not for me per say but for -". "Let me guess Stefan, Elena, Damon and the Mystic Falls circus. Well your answer is no.".  "Wait Nadia-" She hung up and Z said "Well so much hope."

Mystic Falls City Limits

We both came put and I gave Z my necklace as an Talisman and said "You know the plan right?". "Yeah, your gonna try do a Travelers Protection spell as you might be one considering an descendant from Silas, by a spell you got from Nadia who surprisingly came through but didn't find the passing through Anchor spell and now when you walk there you'll suffocate and die but the spell you cast might bring as you don't know if it will work as your a vampire and I'm to do CPR, just in case.". "And if I die?". "Then I'm supposed to take you body and put in my truck as it is very valuable and give this to Liv, so you both could do the spell as you'll die as a witch.". "Good, Love you, Z.". "I hate you!". She yelled and I chanted standing before the city limits "Aan soo noqdo haddaan dhinto oo naftayda jidhka ku xidho. Aan soo noqdo haddaan dhinto oo naftayda jidhka ku xidho".

"Did you have to say it 2 times!!". "I don't know!!." I yelled back and said while jumping into a trees shadows "Here goes nothing.". I put my hands around my neck as I started to suffocate and fell on my knees trying to breath and closed my eyes as black spots appeared then died.

Whitmore College

I opened my eyes to see Bon and she said seeing me "Oh my god.". "Shit. It didn't work.". "Altair is dead" She said to someone and I said "I wasn't supposed to Nadia came through but she couldn't find the spell you asked but she gave me an protection spell and since I was an descendant from Silas I though I could cast it as a vampire but I couldn't and now I'm dead.". "It's ok, we'll bring you back." I was about to touch her and said "And Z has my Talisman and body show her where's your doing the spell and give it to Liv, I'll cast it with her. I'm a witch again.". "I'm happy for you" She said and I touched her.

The Other Side

Mystic Falls City Limits

I opened my eyes to be back where I died and a voice said "Your a bloody Idiot you know that?". "Said by the biggest Idiot." I said smiling at Kol, he chuckled and hugged me then said "Missed you little spitfire.". "Missed you too, Kol. Come-on show me the infamous other-side before it collapses.". He grinned and took my hand and we went.


We're walking and laughing then suddenly a voice said "Well look what the cat dragged in." I turned to see Tessa and said hugging her "Tessa!!. Your still here!!". "Of course I'm still here, I created the damn place. But you shouldn't.". "Yeah, I might have done an Travelers protection on myself to comeback to life when I die but as you can see it didn't work.". "Obviously and I assume you have a plan to get back.". "We do and it's Passing through the Anchor spell. Why you wanna come back to the living I though you were happily tormenting Silas.".

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