Chapter 46

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Clair Residence

"That's really great news Care." I sad to Care sitting at dinner table with Z, Lexi, Kai and Vina. Apparently I fainted after my yelling but I didn't tell them about my nightmare. Kai's been apologizing for ever making me do that and scolding me for not telling the effect, I already forgive him and now we're have thanksgiving dinner while the Mikaelson's are busy torturing DeMartel's and Hope's with us at her crib sleeping as Jack was angry at Hayley for something. Care called and said that Jo's twins are alive and inside her, I know about the Heretics cause Damon called and demanded me to make Kai help which I told him to fuck off in a nice way. I don't control him and Kai doesn't want to help, so I can't so anything. "Yeah this could help Alaric, he's lost so much." I looked at slightly guilty Kai who's been listening to our conversation and said "Yeah and I promise you they are not in any danger in hands of Kai.".

He rose an brow in confusion and I gave him an 'try me' look as he put his hands up in surrender and Care said "Yeah and I don't know how to tell Stefan about them.". "He loves you and if he leaves you just cause our pregnant with Jo's twins then screw him." I said and smiled as she laughed and continued "If he really loves you then he'll come through and accepts you, that's what love is or supposed to be-". Z suddenly said "My water just broke.". "I'm gonna have to call you back." I said and cut the call as Lexi yelled "We need to call 911.". "I'll call Dr. Lance." Kai said taking his phone as Vina said "I'll find your Hospital go-bag.". "Ambulance is on the way." I said giving them the address as Lexi said to Z "Remember breath just like we practiced. Come-on do it with me.". Z nodded and gripped to Lexi and breathed slowly in a rhythm.


Kai and Lexi are with Zari inside her room while I'm with Hope who's sleeping in my arms and I'm waiting for Hayley, Vina's waiting with me. "She's gonna be ok." I sad to Vina and she said shaking her head "I'm not worried about her, Vincent set me up and made me admit murdering Kara Nguyen and they shunned me.". "Vina...". "No now I know how you really felt, it was awful Al. I could feel the Ancestors disconnecting from me and it became painful as I went further.". She said with teary eyes and I said side hugging her "I know little dove, I'm sorry this happened to you.". "Now I don't have power to save you.". "What do you mean? I fine, minus that parasite curse which gives me excruciating pain, other than that I'm fine.". "No, me and Kol researched and found that it slowly starts to kill you if reached nightmares stage and still use magic you'll slowly start to die from the inside. It'll start from blood vomit and you'll feel weak, you'll become pale and within 3 or 4 years you'll die. Sooner if you still use your magic."

I sucked in a shaky breath and said "Vina.. I saw you, Kol, Zari, Kai and Lexi die in Rousseau, it it was horrifying and it was -". "A nightmare. You are already on that stage. Why would you use your magic again!" She yelled and I shushed her as Hope fussed and said "It was an accident, Freya was trying to find Bex and I said I can't do magic but Kai suggested to channel me and he did and I experienced the same pain but this time I saw an nightmare.". "Why-woul-you-ugh!" She stuttered and hugged me while sobbed and I silently cried with her. "Altair!" Hayley voice broke us and I wiped my tears and said giving her Hope "Jackson came, he was pretty pissed and we had to come here. Z's water broke.". "Is she ok? Why were you crying.". She asked and I waved her off "Z's fine, I'm was gonna go in just didn't want Hope in.". "Thanks for taking care of her." Hayley said and smiled then went in with Vina as a nurse came.

"Awww she's beautiful." I cooed at the baby, Z was holding her while Lexi and Kai was on each other side and Kai and Z said "She is." As he asked "What's her name?". Me and Z smiled looking at each other and said "Aeliana Parker or Tomaz.". We offered looking at Kai as he's choosing last name and he said smiling "Tomaz is nice.". "Aelianan Sylvia Tomaz, Lia for short." Lexi said as she choose middle name and the baby fussed as Z asked Kai "You wanna hold her.". Kai carefully took Lia smiling and rocked her while saying "Your so tiny and cute.". He suddenly gasped and said genuinely smiling "You have my eyes.". We chuckled and I said "Let's hope that's all she got, I'll be really worried if she got his humor Z.". "Yeah me too" She agreed but Kai ignored us and played with the baby's tiny hands while I smiled sadly.

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