Chapter 33

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St. Annie's Attic

I was with Cami who explain whatever she knew about the Harvest witches and resurrected witches who took in place of the Harvest girls, I was obviously hopeful that Davina will comeback but there was his doubt inside me head that makes me not turn my humanity on, I explain who I am and how I was related to Davin, she got a call from Marcel saying Davina was alive and I took off the second. I sped past Marcel and some past and stood before the entrance and said smiling teary "Your alive." She saw me and smiled teary, I immediately took off and hugged her in he bed while crying then said "Oh my god, I fucking hate you. How can you not tell me you were going to get scarified in a barbaric ritual and possibly die.!!".

"I was very sick and I was hoping I didn't have to!!.". She also said sobbing against my chest I pulled away and said wiping her tears "Yeah well after you died and I saw your grave I turned it off!!". "You did what?!?!" Asked two voices and we turned to see Marcel and he asked "So you were manipulating me when you said this was all my fault!". "I'm sorry, no humanity me was a.... manipulative, impulsive and reckless. I needed to get out of NOLA or you'll lock me up and make me turn it on." He sighs and said as Came came with Z carrying her "I need to talk you to. Who the hell are you?". "That Zari, new werewolf. My friend?". I asked uncertain and she said smiling "Friends.".

We three came down while Cami went and talk to Vina and Marcel asked "What did you do when your Humanity was off?". I sat next to a pastor and said "I I found her parents or mother who were an family of powerful hunters but killed a nun and 7 hunters on the way. Then a waitress to make my friends leave me alone and they did, lastly I I forced Zari to trigger her curse 3 days ago also while killing 5 innocent peoples and she bit me yesterday so I came here for Klaus blood." My hand was against my head and I was sobbing then continued "I killed them all not for blood, I never went on killing spree they felt bored. I killed them to prove a point, and I don't feel guilty about it. Not even now, What kind of monster am I Marcel?"

"Your not a monster, you are a vampire and killing people is what you  do because they are food to you but you know what your different. Your not a Monster even with your humanity off your just a...lonely and bored kid." Marcel said and Z next to me and said "You wanted friends and family still your humanity was off, you want love and bonds of family, we're her for you. Your not a monster.". "Your only human with enhanced feelings suffering from loneness" Marcel said and they both hugged me. I came upstairs with Marcel and Z to hear Vina say "How do I even know who to trust?. I trust my brother. Who's not even a witch but still loves me and would do anything for me but I can't ask him help because the Ancestor are still angry at him.  Should I trust Marcel? The first thing he did when I came back was try to use me again to help Rebekah. Be honest, Cami. Isn't there something you want, too?"

Cami said "Yeah. My uncle is sick. I thought you could help him. That's not why I'm here. I care about you. I want to help you.". "What can you do? When I came back, the voices I heard, they said the only ones who could help me are the witches. But, after what I did to them, they hate me. So, how can I go back and ask for their help now?". I saw Marcel looking Guilty and said "She doesn't know how lucky she is for having you. Someone who will fight for her, don't give up on her. Your all she have, we have." I said and went into the attic with Z. "Hey." I said and sat next to her on the bed and said while she lead into my shoulder still crying. "I first hand suffered shunning from witches of NOLA, you know that. And I can't say I know how it was in the Ancestral plane but I can tell you that. If you ever want help or just want someone I'll be here and not going anywhere."

"Your not going back to Mystic Falls?". "No I can finish my Collage online. Not the exam's but the classes to get credits, it will probably take me a day to set up but I'll do it and get us a nice little home, only for us both. You like that?" I asked nudging her on my shoulder and she said smiling "I like that but I can't possib-". "Oh please I was gone was what an year and half you've been scarified, resurrected, suffered at the hands of our cruel Ancestors. Admit it you can't live without me.". She shot up and said smiling "As if, you know I was genuinely happy when you weren't home to take my Oreo or last muffin cupcake.". "Hey!. we're-" We said "Sibling what's your is mine." She continued "And how long are you gonna say that lame excuse for snatching my things you ass.". "Oh didn't you also say this same line whenever you take my Coffee or MY.LAST.PIECE.OF.GUMBO!". 

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