Chapter 13

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I woke up coughing up water on my side while someone rubbed my back and they said "There there.". I steadied my breathing and saw it was Kol and asked as the memory came back "So you finally woke up when I started to drown.". "I did and now we're on the shore where I gave you CPR to bring you back to life.". I glanced around and saw I was in sand and asked "You vamp swim me here?". "Can't leave my little spitfire to death now can I?".

He said grinning and I stood up and stumbled then got caught by Kol who said "Your still a little shaken up, love. Take it easy.". "Guess it's true what they say 'make a plan, execute the plan, expect the plan go off-rains and throw away the plan'." He chuckled and asked "I assume we're in phase 4 of throwing away your plan.". "Our plan and yes. Wait the Grimoire.". He showed the Grimoire from his arms and said "Safe and secure, darling.".

"Good at least something went the way we planed". I muttered to which he let out an amused snort and said "Only thing that went accordingly and we hoped for many not one.". "Tit for Tat, Kol. Wait what's happening there?" I asked looking at the crowed of people who looked in distress and Kol said "Funny thing you should ask, Turns out a part of this Island stands above your Family's Crypt which you destroyed resulting-". "A possible destruction of a part of this Island."

I said and he shrugged and said "A part would be exaggerating it just resulted in a landslide disaster in the nearest town.". "Yeah just a landslide disaster." I said calmly and yelled "Which could have killed 100's of people or more!!". "Natural disaster happens Love. You can't do anything about it.". "You said I caused this.". "Unintentionally. How could you have possibly known that this could happen.". He said and I still looked unconvinced thinking this was my fault then he said sighing "What if we both get drunk in honor of the people you accidently killed."

"I Unintentionally murdered 100 possibly more people and you wanna go drunk." I deadpanned and he said smirking "That Or we could go to the authorities and say you found your witchy ancestor who tried to kill your handsome friend and when you retaliated they tried to kill us both, we ran and before we escape you destroyed the place for attacking little ol' me, which was an crypt located under this Island and destroying it resulted in landslide. Oh did I mention it was an magical chambers and witches are real.". I pursed my lips into a tin line and said "You got a point a there happy homicidal maniac.". I shrugged and said "Fine what could possibly go wrong.". Oh how wrong I was.


Me and Kol are drunk and high curtsey of an hippy they stumbled across just came inside the Motel they checked in 4 Days ago. we both came in and shut the door loudly and giggled at this then Kol suddenly vamp sped us to the bed hovered over me. As I bore into his brown eyes, I could feel his lust and something started to bubble inside me, my eyes flickered to his lips I wanted to kiss the rough lips of his.

 Without even realizing we both were closing in and Kol who closed the gap and kissed me with so much passion and lust which I responded with equal passion and lust. He started to grind his dick again Altair's thick jean material and I moaned and groaned in response into the kiss, he broke the kiss and literally tore my shirt and started trail soft kisses from my neck and suddenly fell down unconscious and I asked still high from the make out "Kol?", then I was hit with a wave of dizziness and muttered "What the fuck?" then all fell down unconscious

Abandoned Warehouse

I woke up with a groan and immediately felt cold then tried to hug myself but my hands were tied and I opened my eyes saw I was in an empty place and turned my right to see an unconscious Kol and asked myself "Why am I shirtless?". I tried to break the bounds but it didn't budge and saw Kol was hooked onto something possibly vervain. I kicked him in the leg and he woke up mumbling "Uh what? Where am I?".

Empathy  ~ Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now