Chapter 10

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Mikaeslson Manson

It's night time and I just entered the ball wearing a Framed Lapel Tux black. Took a glass of Champagne and made my way to the hall while taking a sip and exhaled deeply. "You seem nervous, Darling" Said a voice and I turned to see Kol and I replied fully turning towards him "Yes, I am.". "Why?" . "Well I've never been to a ball before and I'm feeling restless cause of you.". "What did I do?" He asked innocently before I could reply Edith's voce came Uh, if everyone could gather, please.". Kol went and the whole Mikaelson stood up the stairs and Edith started

"Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom.". I gulped the whole glass while muttering "Of course they have a ballroom.". Kol came and asked lending a hand "Shall I have this dance.". "Of course you cannot." I said and took an unknown women as partner. The boring music started and we dance and by we I meant she, I just followed her lead, she was nice and we were got along good, her name is Ava.

As I twirled her I was twirled into an arms of surprise Kol. "Well hello Darling.". "Kol, how are you.". "I'm fine thanks for asking.". "I'm not so, ta ta". I singly said and twirled myself out of his arm but didn't get away far from the dance instead got to another arms of Edith "Altair.". "Edith.". "Elijah,". "Eli". "At lest it is correct.". "It was nice learning your name. Just FYI I hold grudges very long" I smirked and chanted while twirling out of hands "phesyots" his ribs and hand broke, as I was finally about to get out of this ridiculous dance but got into another hands of surprise Klaus. "Hello love."

"Am I under Mikaeslon-napping today.". "What got you so riled up.". "Well your darling younger brother Kol interrupted my mediation time last night to control my magic and now it's getting on my last fucking nerve with him.". We saw Kol who heard us and smirked in response and Klaus said "Ah, that explains why he specificity sent you an invite. You have become one of his play things.". "First I'm not anyone's playthings and second I'm gonna highjack your party, all blame goes to your darling little brother Kol. Toodles".

And went out of his hands then went to the girl I danced with earlier and compelled "Can you sing.". "Oh I can sing, all right.". I smirked and let my arm out for her to take and said "We're gonna have so much fun. Come-on." I dragged her to where the music controls was and plugged my phone while she took two mics with headbands and I showed her the song, she nodded and I stopped the song and started ours, we held hands and went to the middle while singing.




We both came in the middle of the ball while song started as the crowed made way. I saw whole Mikaelson except Fran and Eli who looked amused and curious while the Scooby Doo looked alarmed, and we started by facing each other

Step into my world
Bittersweet love story 'bout a girl
Shook me to the core
Voice like an angel
I've never heard before

Here in front of me
They're shining so much brighter
Than I have ever seen
Life can be so mean
But when he goes, I know he doesn't leave

Empathy  ~ Kai ParkerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora