Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Allison's POV

"Well lads, I think that she is the one that we have been looking for." I hear Liam say. I opened my eyes. "Explain everything now!" I said angrily. "Come with me and eat. Your hungry." Harry answers. I suddenly realize that I'm hungry. I nodded and allowed myself to be led away. We were in a grand castle. Harry led me to the kitchen and picked me up and sat me on the bar. "Eggs and toast? That is your favorite." Harry asked. "Yea, how did you know?" I ask. "We know everything about you. But we will explain later." Harry said as I opened my mouth.

"Ok I've eaten. Now spill it!" I say as we sit around in the living room. "We are vampires." Harry began. "TWILIGHT!?" I screamed in my mind. "That's stereotyping." Liam said. "We can do everything that humans can do. Just better. Clans have multiple mates, but we have one, you. We also have powers. We can fly, run very fast, are inhumanly strong, and can compell people. We also have special individual powers. Liam can read minds. Zayn can transport. Louis can control elements. Niall can control emotions. I can cause pain." Harry explains. "Mate? I'm not your mate! You have got to be kidding! Am I being punked? Am I crazy!" I said starting to freak out. "Niall." Zayn simply said. I felt Niall's presence behind me. He places a hand on my shoulder and I feel a wave of relaxation. I stop freaking out.

"Allison, you are our mate." Harry says. "No! I'm leaving." I answer walking toward the door. Louis blocks the way. "You can't leave." He said. "Watch me!" I scream. I start to try to get past him. Knowing that I can't get by, I hit him in the man place. He doubles over and falls on the ground. I open the door and feel an immense amount of pain wash over me. I scream and fall to the ground. The pain subsides when I pass out.

(A/N: Sorry that it's so short! I say that a lot. Please vote and fan! Xx

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