Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Allison's POV

"Please welcome to the stage, ONE DIRECTION!" Some interviewer guy said. I wasn't paying that much attention, I was too busy trying to remember what I did yesterday. "Allison, wait for him to introduce you, then come out and sit by me." Niall explained, grabbing my attention. We were going to say that I'm his girlfriend.

"Big welcome boys! Now, I heard that you brought a guest along?" The man asked. "Yea. We brought my girlfriend." Niall said blushing. "Well then, lets bring to the stage Allison Good!!!" He said. I took a deep breath and walked out there. The boys moved down the couch and I sat on the end.

"So, Allison, how do you deal with hate?" He asked. "What hate?" I ask. "Twitter! You are dating Niall! The fans obviously want him all to there selves. They have made hate pages about you." He says in awe. What? Why hate me? Do you think I wanted this? "I don't see what there is to hate. I'm just a normal girl who happens to be dating a wonderful guy. This is like any other relationship." I said. Who knew that the fans who like me who make this "my quote" that makes

"You hungry? Harry asked as we got in the limo after. "Sorta." I answer. "Driver! Please stop. You may leave." Louis called. We got out and wandered until we found a Nandos. I had to hold Niall's hand tightly to keep him from going beserk.

"That was good!" Liam said after we ate. Louis laughed and rubbed his stomach. "The beast is full." He added. I had a simple chicken salad, Niall, he ate half of Nandos food store. We left and started to walk. "Look, snow." Louis said softly in my ear. I look up and see snowflakes coming down. I laugh and jump in circles with my hands up. "I love snow!" I scream. "Snow in summer?" A fat lady says pushing me aside on the sidewalk. "Just push me aside!" I said angrily. I shook my head and turned to face the boys. Louis was shifting his weight from foot to foot. "Well?" I ask. "What?" He asks. "Snow. Gone. Now." I order. He puts his hands up in defeat and the snow disappears. "Let's go home." I smile jumping on Liam's back.

A/N: Hi guys! Love your questions and comments. It makes me smile when you say that you love it:). I never thought that I would get this far! Keep reading and responding! Love you




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