Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Louis' POV

Allison has telekinesis! That is so cool! I'm kind of jealous, but I can still control the elements. "Let's see it then!" Harry says excitedly. I eagerly run down to the kitchen and grab a glass cup. When I get back to the room I set it a few feet in front of her. "Watch and be amazed!"She says dramatically.

She stares at the cup, then she starts to move her hand. She barely moves her hand and the cup flies into the wall just missing Niall's head, and crashes. "Ahh, opps?" She laughs. "My head almost got taken off!" Niall jokes. "I guess I need to work on that." Alli smiles. "Yes!" Zayn screams.

"Well then!" She scoffs. "You're just a newborn and you DO need to work on it." Liam agrees. "I think it's fine." Harry smirks. I give him a look. "What?" He asks. "You're an idiot." I say.

Allison just saying back onto her bed. "While Harry and Louis fight like old women, I'm gonna lay here." She smiles. The boys and I exchange looks then look at her. "Dogpile!" I scream. Then we all jump on top of Allison. I'm by her ear. "Ssshhhh." I compel. Her protests stop and we cuddle, like a family. The weird family we are.

*Later that Night*

"Can I go back to school?" Allison asks while we watch Pretty Little Liars. "Now why would you want to do that?" Niall asks. "Cause I'm bored. All I do is sit around the house." She answers. "Nope." Harry says. "Why not?" She argues. "Because you won't be able to control your bloodlust." Liam answers.

"But I can handle myself." She argues. "I know you can. Mates also can't be apart from each other for long periods of time." I say. "I'll test that theory. Bye." She huffs, leaving. "Allison!" Niall screams after her. It's to no use though, she is gone.

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