Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Liam's POV

Allison runs into the castle crying. "What's wrong?" I ask as she runs into my arms. She says nothing, only tears come out of her body. I take a peak into her mind. Niall. You freaking idiot. "You're fine." I comfort, rocking her.

Suddenly, Niall bursts through the door. Alli's face turns red with anger, but she also starts to shake. "Hold on. I'm gonna go take her somewhere." I say putting up my index finger to signal a minute. I practically drag her upstairs to Zayn's room.

"Hey, will you be with Allison? I have to deal with something." I ask Zayn after opening the door. He smiles brightly and nods his head. He is over at the door in a flash and takes her hand. Now to go talk to Niall.

"What were you thinking? You of all people should know her love of animals!" I chide Niall. He looks down. "I was starving." He mumbles. "I couldn't control myself. But man, if you would have saw the look in her eyes. It was pure hate." Niall adds. A single tear escapes his eye. He really does love her. I pull him into a hug. "It's ok." I sigh. "Can't we make her forget?" He asks. "I don't know." I answer. "Sure. Now go get her, little Irish man." I smile. Niall flashes a smile and bounds up the stairs.

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