Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Allison's POV

A guy steps into the doorway. He is about Harry's height, brown eyes and brown hair. Harry steps in front of me "What are you trying to pull?" He asks. "I've come to take my rightful property, and to restore the balance." The boy says. "But we are equal?" Liam stutters. "Exactly."

"Josh you are not taking her." Harry says aggressively. I push Harry out of the way. "Leave." "Excuse me?" "I didn't stutter, leave now." "Or what?"

I can do this. My hands slowly raises up in the air and so does Josh's body. Angrily, I slam my hand down. Suddenly, Josh starts to convulse and shake. Then, a big brown wolf is in his place.

Using both hands I keep him against the wall with all the strength I can muster. "Harry!" I scream. Harry walks over and punches the wolf right across the muzzle. The wolf falls, and a human body takes the spot where he fell. "I'll take care of him." Liam says. Next, he grabs Josh and is gone.

My head spins. I think I used too much energy. Black spots dance across my eyes and I fall. Pain shoots through my head as I land on the wooden floor. "Alli!" Harry screams. "My head." I whisper quietly.

"Guys!" A scream pierces the air. I can't tell anything now. A bloody hand is by me, covered in my blood I think. Two hands grab me and I'm being transported to a hospital I'm assuming. No, the boys can't be seen. It will just draw attention. I try to voice my opinion but I'm passed out and in another world.

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