Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Allison's POV

Pranking the boys was absolutely amazing. The only downside was that Zayn got mad and transported me to the ceiling. I was really scared and couldn't believe that he would do that! It's now Liam's turn to bite me.

He was quick to sink his fangs in. The bite itself was pure pleasure. I moaned quietly and Liam smiled. He pulled away a few minutes after. "Look." He said as his name appeared on my arm. We walked over to the couch and sat down. "I might have gotten something for you..." Liam smiled. "You didn't have to do that..." I started, then trailed off when he looked me dead in the eyes.

"I had to get you something. It's not much. I like to spoil people." He says blushing. Liam pulled out a small box with a bow on it. I slowly took off the bow, in one sudden motion I tried to stick it to his forehead. Alas, Liam was too fast. "Your no fun!" I say frowning. I get an eye roll and then he sticks it in his hair. "Perfect!" I laugh.

The box revealed a beautiful charm bracelet. There were a few charms on it with all of the boys names on each one. "Liam! This is incredible!" I scream. "I know, you mind might just be screaming." He smiles. "You have two hours. Go rest or something. Zayn is next." He explains.

I take off out the front door to the forest. Ahh, alone at last. I miss my old walks in the forest by my house. The strange part is, I don't want to run away. I just want to stay with the boys, I will be safer with them. The smell of trees relax me. I just walk aimlessly, not caring where I go. It felt like I was walking for an hour, so I decide to go back. But, which way did I come from? Oh no, I'm lost. My bracelet starts to burn, so I rub it. Twigs snap and leaves crunch, revealing the boys. I ran into their arms crying. "I'm sorry." I mumble into Zayn's chest. "Sleep." He answers. I fall into darkness yet again.

A/N: You guys like? Seems like it! I was scrolling and I think that it was 3 loads until I saw my story! To be honest, I never thought that this could be big. I'm writing this on paper, so I'm almost on the sequel. Alright night! Xx

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