Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Allison's POV

No freedoms. No freaking freedoms! I never wanted this. I never wanted to be a vampire. How could I be so stupid as to let them tear down my walls. And to think..... I let them mate me. Do I get a say? No! Well, they can go live their perfect little vampire life without me.

I run as fast as my legs will go through the forest. When I reach an opening in the trees, I stop. It's pretty here. There are flowers and a little stream. The most peaceful thing I've seen in a long time. I sit on a tree stump and sigh sadly. Maybe this is what my life is worth. I can't just leave, the world thinks that Niall is my boyfriend.

My thoughts are pushed away when I hear footsteps a few miles away. With my ears perked up, I stand. Oh please let it not be them. Liam! He is tracking my thoughts. I put up my mental walls again. Too late I guess. The boys get closer and closer. "Go away!" I scream.

They don't listen and are standing ten yards away. "Screw all of you. Leave me alone!" I say again. "We can't leave you. We love you." Zayn sighs. "Sucks." I answer. "Ali, please." Niall asks, his puppy dog eyes pleading. "No." I answer coldly. "Why not?" Louis stammers. "I let my walls crumble to you guys. But I was so stupid in doing so, you made me into a demon. A freak." I spit. They looked shocked and hurt at the same time.

"Now. Leave!" I yell. My arms raise and I control the bodies in front of me, pushing them backwards. I laugh evilly. Maybe I was meant to be like this. Zayn tries to transport to me but he can't make it past my shield. Louis even tries to make rocks and fire go through, only to get them tossed back.

"Ali! This isn't you. You are not like this! You are sweet and caring and innocent. Not hard and cruel." Niall says. I roll my eyes. This is me now. My mind is filled with dark thoughts and hatred. "That Allison is gone. Meet the new Allison!" I exclaim happily.

Then somebody takes my arms and twists them behind my back painfully. Harry. "Let me go." I sneer. "No." He answers. A loud growl escapes my lips as I try to escape his iron-grip. Niall and everybody else is standing right by me now. "What is wrong with her?" Liam asks. "I don't want to be your mate. I HATE ALL OF YOU!" I scream. Niall's face betrays what all of them feel, pain and hurt. A single tear comes from his left eye. At that point, it feels like something leaves my body and I crumple to the forest floor.

Alex: Hi. So, it's been awhile. I know.... I'm a terrible person. I'm not gonna say that school is too much work....or going to volleyball then soccer tires me out. Even if that is true. I'm gonna sit here and give you a big hug and whisper that everything is ok. Whatever you are going can do it. I love you<3

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