Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Zayn's POV

Allison started to scream bloody frickin murder. She stumbled around clutching her head until she fell into a tree. "What the...!?" Niall said. I frantically looked around until I saw Harry giving her a death stare. If looks could kill, which in Harry's case, they can....

I run over to Harry and tackle him. "What the frick?" I scream. "She had it coming." Harry smirked in reply. His eyes were a deep red. "No. No she didn't!" I say. Harry just laid his head on the ground and laughed.

"Is Alli ok?" I ask over my shoulder. "Yeah. I'm good." Alli replied. I walk over and kneel down next to her. She is panting hard. "Harry." She growls.

Next thing I know is Harry is against a tree with Allison pushing with one arm. "What the heck was that for?" She says very low. "You rejected me. Nobody rejects me. Ever." Harry replies. "I was scared. Nobody.....nobody loves me at all! Not in the past or even now! I don't even trust if you people like me!" Allison cries. Then she just, disappears.

We race back to the castle and up to Allison's door. "Alli? Will you open the door?" Niall asks. "No." She answers. "Take Harry, go downstairs and wait. Who knows what will happen. Let me talk to her." I tell Louis.

"Babe, it's just me. Please let me in. I just wanna talk." I ask. "Promise." Allison questions. "Cross my heart and hope never to die." I swear.

The door slowly opens to reveal Allison on her bed. Her eyes are red, but not vampire red. Crying red. "Did you even move?" I ask. "Nope." She answers. "You.....have..........telekinetic powers!!!!" I scream. "I guess I do." Alli smiles.

"Anyway, we love you. Not just because its meant to be, but because you're.....yourself." I explain. "Yeah." The boys chorus. I guess they showed up when I screamed. "So, telekinetic powers?" Harry asks. Allison nods and all is forgiven.


Authors Note: Hai!!! I'm back!!! So, telekinetic powers. Fits her, feel me? Anyway we got some JUICY crap in the next two chapters. What do you think will happen??? Ohh and I did make a YouTube, it's ThatBlondGirl7 or look up Alex Dickson

Kisses xx




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