Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Allison's POV

We arrived back at the castle later than we told the boys, so we quietly crept up to bed. Harry was apologizing the whole trip back, but his last night appeared on my arm next to his name so I guess it counted. Harry stroked my hair as I drifted into a restless sleep filled with nightmares.


"You have to chose, us or the wolves." Harry said. We were in the woods and the boys were on my left and the wolf pack on my right. My heart belongs to the boys, but something was telling me to go with the wolves. I pushed it away and walked to my mates. Before I could make it, claws went through me. I fell before I could reach them.

I woke up in a cold sweat, screaming. Niall was in there watching me. He grabbed my hands lovingly and I calmed. "What the heck happened?" He questioned. I managed to relay the whole dream through tears. "It's okay babe. You're safe now." Niall comforted. "I will always chose you." I promise. "I know." He answered. Niall got me to go back to sleep.

I wake up for real this time. "Good morning, love." Harry smiles sitting on the edge on my king bed. "Morning." I answer, returning the smile. I take a shaky breath and tell Harry about my dream. Harry gets visibly mad. He turned angry eyes on me and pain rushes through me. The pain quickly stops. "I am so sorry babe! I didn't mean to. I was just angry and I..." Harry apologized. "Harry, it's fine. I needed that." I assure smiling. Harry jumps on my bed and kisses me softly.

A/N: Guess who's back? This girl! *bows* Another chapter later maybe. I really say that a lot. I have a super busy week and weekend again:/ u really wish that I could update, but my life doesn't allow it. Love you:)

PS- I am close to being popular! Keep reading!



A Normal Day Gone Wrongजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें