Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Allison's POV

Niall's mom was so sweet! We were there for what felt like days, but it was just a few hours. Now some people could take that as a bad thing, but I loved her. It's amazing to have someone that knows what you're going through.

Eventually Niall had to drag me out. "That was absolutely wonderful!" I smile. "Yea except you two gossip like two little old ladies!" He smirks. "HOW DARE YOU NIALL!" I scream playfully. Niall grabbed my hand and we flew back to the castle.

"You can get inside, right? I'm going hunting." Niall asks. "Of course!" I yell. "Don't trip over air!" Niall teases, giving me a fanged smile. I roll my eyes and start to open the drawbridge door. I could feel Liam enter my mind. So, I thought that my mind was protected by big walls. Haha, blocked ya!

"How did you do that?!" Liam asks as soon as my foot crosses into the parlor. "I thought of walls." I answer. "Where's Niall?" Zayn asks. "Hunting!" I answer yet again. "Let's go! Hunting without us...." Louis grumbles. Then the three of them left, all except Harry. "Go Harry,you need food." I order. "I'm about to eat." He says stepping close.

"May I?" He asks. Oh how I love his husky voice. "Of course." My voice says, as if in trance. Harry pushes my hair aside. "Relax." He commands. My body instantly does what he orders. I feel fangs graze my neck. As Harry gently sucks my blood away, I feel myself getting drowsy. A tired moan escapes my lips. Harry pulls away and smiles, blood on his enlarged canines.

"Your beautiful. You know that?" Harry asks. "I'm not pretty. I am a regular ugly girl." I frown. "No. Your beautiful." Harry argues. "I am not pretty." I think to myself.


A/N: Question-Is Allison going to become a vampire?

Answer-Of course!

Anyway, how are you? Wow a real update. Things are going to get heated. Almost halfway through!




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